
Word of the Day 3 Answer Key

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Whats the word?
#1 the edge of a bowl or cup brim
#2 when a sound repeats echo
#3 to complain in a grumpy way grumble
#4 to leave something out omit
#5 when something smells rotten putrid
#1 A clown acts zany. True
#2 Cothes that have just been washed smell putrid. False
#3 If you are playing in a football game, you are a spectator. False
#4 If you yelled in a cave, you would hear an echo. True
#5 You can fill a bucket to the brim. True
Leftovers! Yum!
#1 a person who watches and event without participating it it spectator
#2 when something falls over topples
#3 when someone behaves in a foolish way zany
#4 True or False If you omit your name on a test it means you forgot to write it. True
#5 True or False You would grumble if your mom bought you the new toy that you really wanted. False
#1 grumble
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