
Game Answer Key

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True or False
#1 Split personality is the same as schizophrenia False
#2 A psychopath is one who does not regret his antisocial behavior True
#3 A person suffering from schizophrenia is out of contact with reality all of the time False
#4 Mental illness is contagious False
#5 Words like "crazy" and "psycho" are never acceptable to use when speaking about people who suffer from mental illness True
Terms and spelling
#1 Another term for bipolar disorder Manic depression
#2 The term "loony bin" is sometimes used to refer to this type of hospital Psychiatric
#3 The number one cause of disability in people 15 and older Depression
#4 Spell the term that is defined as an irrational fear of something Phobia
#5 Spell the illness that John Nash suffered from Schizophrenia
People, illnesses, and phobias
#1 Mark Twain suffered from this mental illness Depression
#2 Mrs. Butler suffers from this phobia Claustrophobia
#3 Irrational fears about an object, place, or situation are called Phobias
#4 your friend is afraid of drinking coffee at a restaurant because he fears it has been poisoned. This is an example of Paranoid Schizophrenia
#5 John Nash suffered from Schizophrenia
Treatment and more phobias and illnesses
#1 One way to treat mental illness is Therapy and/or medication
#2 Abraham Lincoln suffered from Depression
#3 Someone who stays in bed all day and misses a lot of school may suffer from Depression
#4 An irrational fear of heights Acrophobia
#5 A student who avoids taking tests because of chest pains, shortness of breath, and palpitations may suffer from Panic Disorder
Mental/Emotional Wellness
#1 Your heart flutters; you are sweating. You feel fearful and terrorized. You are experiencing Panic attack
#2 A person who washes her hands over and over and over each day might suffer from OCD

This prestigious prize was won by John Nash who suffered from schizophrenia

Nobel Prize for Economics

#4 A common physical symptom of depression in adolescents is Stomachache and/or headache
#5 The medical doctor who diagnoses mental illness Psychiatrist
Final Question

Multiple personality disorder and split personality disorder are now more commonly referred to as

Dissociative Identity Disorder