
Science Chapter 8 Review Answer Key

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#1 What is technology? The knowledge, process, and products that solve problems and make work easier.
#2 What is the set of steps for developing products and processes that solve problems called? design process
#3 What is a fully working product that uses a design process called? prototype
#4 What sends location data from satellites orbiting Earth called? GPS - Global Positioning System (helps with directions)
#5 What two things does technology help us do? 1 - solve problems 2 - make work easier
Design Process
#1 What is the first step in the design process? Identify the problem
#2 What are the three factors you must consider when choosing one solution? 1 - time 2 - cost 3 - safety
#3 What step is after 'Choose one Solution?' Design and construct a prototype
#4 When you develop possible solutions, what two school subjects will help you? Math and Science
#5 How would a scientist communicate their results? Tables and Graphs
Design Process
#1 In which step should you talk to other inventors and read about the experiments of other inventors? Do Research
#2 After you build a prototype, what step is next? Test the Prototype
#3 In the research process, what four things do you use to do research? Internet, encyclopedias, informational books, and interviewing experts
#4 On the final step of the design process, you may need to redesign your product and do what else? Go through the design process again
#5 What are the 8 steps of the design process? 1 - Identify the Problem, 2 - Do Research, 3 - Develop Possible Solutions, 4 - Choose one Solution, 5 - Design & Construct a Prototype, 6 - Test the Prototype, 7 - Communicate Results, 8 - Evaluate and Redesign
Examples of Technology and Design
#1 What are some advantages of electric, diesel, and magnetic levitation trains? Safer, faster, and can carry more people
#2 What are some disadvantages of steam trains? Slower, has a boiler that might explode due to the sudden release of steam
#3 What do all trains have in common? They move people and goods from place to place; technology of transportation
#4 Satellites orbiting Earth help send data to a what? GPS
#5 What are some examples of transportation technology? Cars, trucks, trains, airplanes, motorcycles, boats, ships
Examples of Technology and Design
#1 What example of transportation technology does the school use for field trips? Buses
#2 What example of transportation technology allows us to get to far away places quickly? Airplanes
#3 Technology of a refrigerator helps us do what? Keeps food cold, fresh, and from spoiling
#4 What technology heats food and drinks in seconds? Microwave
#5 A car has many different and new technologies built into it. What helps improve a car's safety? GPS, rear-view camera, car mirrors, sound/computerized voices signaling that someone or something is there
Final Question