
Game Answer Key

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#1 What is the ability to cause change or do work? energy
#2 When you warm something in a pan, heat is transferred by what? convection
#3 What is the bending of light called? refraction
#4 Light rays bouncing off a surface is called what? reflection
#5 When two objects touch, heat moves from the warmer object to the cooler object causing heat to be transferred by what? conduction
#1 What kind of energy travels as waves and can move through empty space? light energy
#2 Moving water has what kind of energy? kinetic energy
#3 When you turn the classroom light on, what kind of energy is being used? electrical energy
#4 Radiation is transferred to what kind of energy in a campfire? thermal energy
#5 When sunlight shines on your skin, radiation turns into what kind of energy? thermal energy
#1 Sound energy is formed by what kind of objects? vibrating objects
#2 What is amplitude? The height of a wave measured from its midline. The higher the amplitude of a wave, the more energy it has, and the louder it sounds.
#3 When amplitude increases, what else increases? The sound gets louder.
#4 When the pitch of the sound is high, then the frequency is what? high frequency
#5 When the pitch of the sound is low, then the frequency is what? low frequency
#1 Potential energy has what kind of energy? stored energy
#2 What is the main source of energy for a sailboat, balloon, or kite? wind

Radiation is transferred into what kind of energy when a cold drink gets warm from the sun?

thermal energy

#4 When you leave an ice cream sandwich in the sun, what kind of energy is transferred to thermal energy? radiation
#5 A stretched rubber band has what kind of potential energy? elastic
Light and Color
#1 List the colors of the rainbow in order. ROYGBIV - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
#2 What is an example of a prism? raindrop/water droplet
#3 When light enters a prism, what happens? light bends or refracts
#4 What is the most important light source to life on Earth? Sun
#5 Would a piece of glass or a piece of paper reflect more light? glass
Final Question