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Audio Media Music

What kind/type of record labels have the majority of music titles.

Independent Labels


The basic business model in the recording industry can be divided into which three main parts?

Creation, promotion, and distribution


The practice of a record label giving cash or gifts to a disc jockey to secure airtime is known as what?



Recorded music serves what primary functions of mass communciation?

Entertainment and Cultural transmission


What kind of software/program was Napster?

An Internet file-sharing program

Audio Media Radio

Which genre of music is the most popular format for radio?



Who was established as the “father” of radio broadcasting?

Lee de Forest


Radio stations are given call letters designating the station according to what?

The geographic location in which they operate


Why is radio particularly important in developing nations?

Radio is cheap to transmit and receive.


What was the first broadcasting network?

The National Broadcasting Company

Visual Media Movies

The primary function of the American motion picture industry is what?

To entertain


Released in 1927 and starring Al Jolson, the first commercially successful “talkie” was what?

The Jazz Singer


The main channel for marketing movies is what?

Television Advertising


One major obstacle to the movie industry's adoption of digital distribution has been what?

Concerns over piracy through file-swapping services


Where did the motion picture industry begin, and for what reason?

New York, because its entertainment center already had Broadway and vaudeville theaters

Visual Media TV

What is HBO's most-watched series to date?

Game of Thrones


Reality television is profitable for networks because...?

Production costs are much lower


Where did much of television's early programming come from?



According to a recent study, what percent of American consumers binge-watch TV.

70 Percent


Why is cable television able to produce more innovative and edgy content than network TV?

Cable television is unfettered by FCC content restrictions

Internet & Video Games

Which browser has the biggest market share?



What allows us to receive vast amounts of verbal and visual information from a variety of global sources.

Broadband Connections


What is the process in which multiple downloads of the same file are temporarily coordinated to accelerate the downloading process.



Because of their relative complexity, computers have more issues than traditional media with what?

User interfaces


Common symptoms of video-game addiction include dry eyes, carpal tunnel syndrome, and what else?

Lying to employers and family about gaming activities

Final Question