
6th Grade Spring Semester Exam Review Part Answer Key

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Force and Motion
#1 A fast car on a distance time graph has a ________ line steep
#2 What is the formula for speed? d/t
#3 Why is the friction force considered to be a contact force? Friction is produced when objects slide past one another.
#4 A soccer player kicks a ball. According to Newton’s third law of motion, the player’s foot exerts a force on the ball. The ball exerts a force on the foot. Why don’t the forces cancel out to result in a net force of zero? The forces are exerted on different objects so they are not balanced forces.
#5 What happens when you heat air? The motion of the air particles increases
Force, energy, and motion
#1 A flashlight changes chemical energy in a battery to electrical energy and then into which two other forms of energy? thermal energy and light energy
#2 Another way to think of thermal energy is... it is the measurement of the amount of heat in an object
#3 When forces add together to equal zero they are..... balanced
#4 What is an example of a third class lever? tweezers
#5 What is the difference between each type of lever?(be able to identify each type for the test) the placement of the fulcrum
Renewable and Nonrenewable energy
#1 Why isn't petroleum considered to be a renewable resource? It requires a very long time to form.
#2 How can the carbon dioxide released by the burning of fossil fuels most likely affect Earth’s climate? It can contribute to global warming
#3 What is one possible disadvantage of using nuclear energy? Accidents could cause radiation to leak into the environment.
#4 How is wind energy related to the sun? The sun heats air masses in Earth’s atmosphere, causing wind.
#5 Both fossil fuels and rocks are natural resources. How do these resources differ in how they are used by people? Rocks are a material resource and fossil fuels are energy resources.
Rock Cycle
#1 Rocks are always a part of the rock cycle, even though they may stay in one part of it for millions of years. Which part of the rock cycle leads directly to the forming of sedimentary rock, but not other types of rock? erosion
#2 A geologist is investigating changes that occur during the rock cycle. What takes place when an igneous rock turns into sedimentary rock? weathering and erosion makes sediment that is then compacted and cemented together
#3 Rocks of all types can be classified according to their texture. What is an example of a rock texture? foliated and unfoliated
#4 A sample of an unknown mineral has a mass of 32 g and a volume of 8.0 mL. What is it's density? 4
#5 How are the three types of rock formed? metamorphic-heat and pressure, igneous-heating and cooling, sedimentary compaction and cementation
#1 What are the three main compositional layers? Crust, mantle, core
#2 What are the physical layers? Lithosphere, athenosphere, meososphere, outer core, inner core
#3 What is a way to describe Pangaea? a single, large continent that formed in Earth’s past
#4 Which geologic events are caused by the movement of tectonic plates? earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, mountain formation, mid-ocean ridges...
#5 Volcanic vents are places where magma can erupt onto Earth’s surface. In some cases, these vents are long cracks in the ground. What is this type of crack in Earth’s surface called? fissure
Final Question
Methane causes what two planets to appear bluish in color? Neptune and Uranus