
Science Vocabulary Review 2 Answer Key

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Category 1
#1 Matter that has a definite shape and volume Solid
#2 Matter that has a definite volume, but not a definite shape. It takes the shape of its container. Liquid
#3 Matter that does not have a definite shape or volume Gas
#4 The amount of three-dimensional space occupied by an object Volume
#5 Water in a gaseous state Water Vapor
Category 2
#1 A clear, colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid. It is essential for most plant and animal life and the most widely used of all solvents. Water
#2 To change from a solid state to a liquid state by adding heat Melting
#3 Changing from a liquid state to solid state by subtracting heat Freezing
#4 A series of stages through which a living organism grows and changes Life Cycle
#5 An animal hunted or caught for food Prey
Category 3
#1 A feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing Characteristic
#2 An animal that hunts and eats other animals Predator
#3 An instinctive behavior in some animals in which they travel back to warmer climate for winter Migration
#4 Vertebrates, warm-blooded, feeds milk to the young, partially covered in hair. Mammals
#5 Begins its life in water then finishes it mainly on land. This word means both sides of life. Amphibian
Category 4
#1 A single path of food (energy) from the sun to the plant to the consumer Food Chain
#2 An adaptation in which an organism slows down during the winter Hibernation
#3 An essential characteristic possessed at birth Inherited
#4 A place in which a plant or animal lives Habitat
#5 A special characteristic of an animal that helps it survive and reproduce in its environment Adaptation
Category 5
#1 An adult butterfly lays an egg. It hatches into a caterpillar or larva. The caterpillar forms the chrysalis or pupa. The chrysalis matures into a butterfly. Butterfly Stages
#2 Dramatic change in an organism's development that occurs after birth Metamorphosis
#3 The process by which a new organism (living thing) is produced Reproduction
#4 A genetically determined characteristic Trait
#5 Behaviors that animals are born knowing. Behavior that is not taught. Instinct
Final Question
Organisms that gets their energy from the waste of living organisms and dead or decaying organisms. Decomposer