
Ender's Game Vocabulary Ch. 12-15 Answer Key

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Ch. 12
#1 (verb) to confirm or give support to corroborate
#2 (adj.) greatly dismayed or horrified appalled
#3 (verb) sharp disapproval or criticism of someone because of their actions rebuke
#4 (verb) having or showing feelings of patronizing superiority condescend
#5 (verb) gaze in an unpleasant, or malicious manner leer
Ch. 12-13
#1 (noun) a pointed end where two curves meet, in particular cusp
#2 (noun) string or thread having two or more strands of hemp twine
#3 (noun) unlikely chance occurence, especially surprising piece of luck fluke
#4 (adj.) expressing contempt or ridicule derisive
#5 (noun) previous statement from which another is inferred as a conclusion premise
Ch. 14
#1 (adj./adv.) done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed. impromptu
#2 (noun) an opposition contradiction
#3 (adj.) tending to eat and drink excessively gluttonous
#4 (adj.) outer edge or limits of an object or area periphery
#5 (verb) the action of using force, short of war, against another nation reprisal
Ch. 15
#1 (adj.) going about in search of things to steal or people to attack. marauding
#2 (noun) body of a human being, living or dead carcass
#3 (verb) to be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time accrue
#4 (noun) insect in transformation between larva and adult pupa
#5 (noun) stupid, mentally defective persons cretin
Ch. 1-5 Review!
#1 (adj.) easily influenced: think of silly putty malleable
#2 (verb) cancel, or repeal rescind
#3 (noun) amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. mirth
#4 (adj.) having or associated with the value zero; invalid null
#5 (adj.) thin and graceful lithe
Final Question
(noun) a meeting at an agreed time and place Rendezvous