
Game Answer Key

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What is

Contains information about many different subjects.  Entries are generally longer.



Contains brief factual information on a broad range of subjects and is usually published annually.



A reference work that provides many types of maps



A regularly published collection of articles that might focus on any topic in general or on topics of interest to a specific group, such as sports fans or music fans or home decorators.



A regularly published collection of fairly brief articles that provide updates on current events and interests


What should you use to find if you didn't have Google

A map of Europe

an Atlas


The importance of oceans to our world

an Encyclopedia


The decathlon winner for the most recent Olympic games

an Almanac


The early life of Martin Luther King Jr.

an Encyclopedia


The latest local sports scores

a Newspaper

What would you use to find if you didn't have Google

The name of the state that had the highest population in the year 2004

an Almanac


John F. Kennedy's political career

an Encyclopedia


The best time to plant potatoes this year

an Almanac


The name of the mountain range located in North Carolina

an Atlas


Where Dr. Suess went to college

an Encyclopedia

What would you use to find if you didn't have Google

A local editorial (opinion piece)

a Newspaper


A detailed map of Guatemala

an Atlas


The name of the person who holds the world record for weightlifting

an Almanac


Shakespeare's early career

an Encyclopedia


The ancestors of mammals

an Encyclopedia

Final Question