
Short Fiction Test Review Answer Key

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#1 A struggle between two opposing characters or forces. What is conflict?
#2 The peak of the story. The most action, drama, change, and excitement occurs here. What is the climax?
#3 The story begins to slow down and work towards its end, tying up loose ends of the plot. What is the falling action?
#4 The main character is in crisis and events leading up to facing the conflict begin to unfold. The story becomes complicated. What is the rising action?
#5 Background information about the setting, characters’ backstories, prior plot events, or historical context. What is the exposition?
Literary Devices
#1 The use of symbols to represent ideas What is symbolism?
#2 Using imagery and events to convey different events or ideas; drawing a comparison What is metaphor?
#3 When the exact opposite of what is meant or expected to happen, happens. What is situational irony?
#4 When 2 contradictory objects, or ideas, are placed closely together, creating an odd scene. What is juxtaposition?
#5 Words that are connected and use the same letter or sound What is alliteration?
Examples of Literary Devices
#1 The monkey's paw represents greed; the man has everything he needs and yet he asks for more. What is symbolism?
#2 DRIP. The coffee begins to brew and the people gather around the machine to get their daily fix. What is onomatopoeia?
#3 In "The Monkey's Paw," Sergeant Major Morris is afraid of the Monkey's Paw and tells the White family not to use it. Later on, the White family uses the monkey paw and their son dies as a result of one of the wishes. What is foreshadowing
#4 The wind, looking down upon them, spoke words of discontent. What is personification?
#5 In the Monkey's Paw, man from Maw and Meggins says that Herbert is not in pain, instead of saying that Herbert is dead. What is euphemism?
#1 What are the three types of irony? What are dramatic, situational, and verbal?
#2 What type of irony is this: "Thank you for the ticket, officer." What is verbal irony?
#3 Friar Laurence sends a messenger to tell Romeo about Juliet’s plan to drug herself into deathlike coma. We watch in horror as the messenger fails to deliver this vital piece of information. And though we know that Juliet is not really dead, we see Romeo poison himself because he cannot live without her. What is dramatic irony?
#4 In horror movies, the audience is aware that there is a killer in the house, but the character does not and they proceed to enter What is dramatic irony?
#5 A marriage counselor filed for divorce What is situational irony?
#1 First, I would like to introduce myself. What is an introductory comma?
#2 The mother responded, "I will not always be around to do your laundry for you." What is a conversation comma?
#3 We live in Ottawa, Ontario. What is a geographical comma?
#4 The second boat in the race, the 6-berth Kontarka, was crewed by school children from Pembrokeshire What is a bracket comma?
#5 In the short story, "The Monkey's Paw," the protagonist is Mr. White. What is a name comma?
Final Question
The following is a short story (flash fictional piece) by Earnest Hemingway: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn. Analyze this short story using the 6 steps 6 steps: 1) Identify the setting, 2) Identify the plot structure, 3) What is the point of view?, 4) Identify the characters, 5) Identify the main theme(s), 6) Identify literary devices