
Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, and Forces Test Answer Key

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#1 If Coach Kampen throws the football 60 meters in 4 seconds, what is the average speed (velocity) of the football? 15 m/s
#2 If it takes Old McDonald 45 seconds to run from the from his house to his barn door at an average speed (velocity) of 3 meters per second, what is the distance he covers in that time? 150 m
#3 What is the definition of speed? The distance an object travels in a certain amount of time.
#4 How do you find speed? s=d/t
#5 On a motion graph a steep straight line shows... a constant fast speed
Newton's Laws
#1 The Law of Acceleration. 2
#2 Pushing a child on a swing requires less force than pushing an adult. 2
#3 The air is let out of a balloon and it flies around the room. 3
#4 A baseball continues to roll until friction, gravity, and air resistance stop it. 1
#5 The Law of Inertia 1
#1 An object moves when acted on by.... unbalanced forces
#2 If forces are balanced an object is most likely... not in motion
#3 What is the most common contact force? Friction
#4 What is the net force on a box if Joey pushes the box at a force of 50N right and Cody pushes the box at 40N left? 10N right
#5 What is net force? The combination of all forces on an object.
Speed Velocity Acceleration
#1 An ant walking 10 millimeters per second. speed
#2 A train left the station heading towards Dallas at 75 miles per hour north. velocity
#3 A knuckleball pitcher can throw a ball that has varying speeds. acceleration
#4 The flight from NYC to Los Angeles travels at 550 mph west each morning velocity
#5 The car slowed down at the train crossing because the crossbars lowered. acceleration
#1 How do you find average acceleration? (V2-V1)/t
#2 What is the unit for acceleration? meters per second squared
#3 A train comes to a quick stop, what happens to the acceleration vectors? They are in opposite directions
#4 What are 4 common examples of acceleration? slowing down, speeding up, stopping, and turning
#5 A roller coaster car rapidly picks up speed as it rolls down a slope. As it starts down the slope, its speed is 4 m/s. But 3 seconds later, at the bottom of the slope, its speed is 22 m/s. What is its average acceleration? 6 m/s2
Final Question
You are traveling in a car that is moving at a velocity of 20 m/s. Suddenly, a car 10 meters in front of you slams on it’s brakes. At that moment, you also slam on your brakes and slow to 5 m/s. Calculate the acceleration if it took 2 seconds to slow your car down. -7.5m/s2