
Game Answer Key

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#1 Transparent able to see through, sometimes clear
#2 Dissolve mix into a liquid and unable to be seen
#3 Volume the amount of space something takes (capacity)
#4 Mixture a combination of liquids, solids and/or gases
#1 What is a solution? a liquid mixture
#2 The solid in a solution solute
#3 The liquid in a solution solvent
#4 True or False - all mixtures are solutions False
#5 If a salt solution is left to dry, what will remain in the cup? salt crystals
Solutions 2
#1 If a fruit punch mix drink is too sweet, it is... concentrated
#2 Since the fruit punch drink is too concentrated, how can it be fixed? Adding more liquid
#3 If a liquid is diluted, it means... it's weak.
Buoyancy / Density
#1 If a gram piece is dropped in water, and it sinks, the gram piece is ____ dense than the water. more
#2 Liquid A is water. Liquid B is concentrated salt water. Liquid C is diluted salt water. In what order would the liquid stack without mixing? B, C, A
#3 I threw a popsicle stick in the pool, and it floated. What is true about the popsicle stick? It is less dense than the water.
#1 Biosphere all living things on Earth.
#2 atmopshere all of Earth's air and gases
#3 lithosphere the crust and upper mantle
#4 hydrosphere all of Earth's water.
#5 What are the 3 states of matter? Solid, Liquid, Gas
Final Question