
Game Answer Key

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Sumerian Civilization
#1 these people were at the top of the Sumerian social class pyramid kings and priests
#2 these two inventions helped Sumerians grow crops plows, wheels, levees
#3 people believed this group could communicate with the gods priests
#4 temple ziggurat
#5 sumerian writing system using clay, symbols, and stylus cuneiform
Other Empires
#1 first king of Persia Cyrus the Great
#2 to better govern and rule the persian empire, darius created roads
#3 two military advances the Assyrian empire had iron weapons and cavalry
#4 Leader of the first empire Sargon
#5 Darius made coins with his face on them - this is an example of currency
Phoenician Empire
#1 phoenician alphabet was based on symbols, vowels, or sounds sounds
#2 art of steering a ship from place to place navigation
#3 phoenicia had lots of _____ or small territories ruled by a larger state colonies
#4 Phoenicia did not have its own supply of ivory so it traded for ivory with other people. ivory is a(n) import
#5 spread of phoenician alphabet to greece and rome is an example of cultural diffusion
#1 to supply water to crops and land irrigate
#2 to trade by exchanging goods barter
#3 belief in many gods polytheism
#4 group of professional soldiers standing army
#5 state containing several countries or territories empire
#1 why did writing start to record numbers of crops and animals
#2 why did so many civilizations start in the fertile crescent soil was good for crops
#3 Mesopotamia is a great river valley formed by the Tigris and ____ River Euphrates River
#4 payment or gift to a stronger powr tribute
#5 a self governing city that has its own ruler, laws, and walls is known as a city-state
Final Question

3 ways that geography impacted Sumer, 2 ways it impacted Phoenicia

Sumerian: lived in Mesopotamia, between two rivers. 1) The land was fertile, good soil for crops. 2) The rivers flood so they had to invent fast ways to farm (levees, plow). 3) They used the rivers for trade.


Phoenician: lived by the Mediterranean Sea. 1) They had few natural resources, so they needed to trade. 2) They lived by the sea - good for trading. 3) They could set up colonies along the sea/trade route.