
Native Americans of North America Answer Key

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Eastern Woodlands
#1 How did people of the Eastern Woodlands use their forest resources? food, clothing, and water
#2 Besides food, what did animals provide to these people? skins and furs for clothing
#3 Why did Iroquois hunters speak to and thank the deer they killed? The Iroquois felt a connection to nature
#4 What kind of houses did they use? longhouses
#5 Why did the longhouses have a central area with shared cooking fires? easier for families to share fires, safer to have fires in one place
#1 How did most of these people get food? hunting and farming
#2 What animal was most important to these people? buffalo
#3 How did horses affect the lifestyle of the Cheyenne? It was easier to hunt buffalo
#4 How are lodges and tepees similar? Used by Plains Indians for shelter
#5 How are lodges and tepees different? lodges are permanent and made with dirt. Tepees are mobile and made with animal hides.
Southwest Derest
#1 What was the climate like in the Southwest Desert Cultural Region? hot and dry
#2 Why did the Hopi build their villages on the tops of mesas? for protection
#3 Which ceremony honored the kachinas and asked for their help? Hopi dances
#4 What was the shaman's main job? to cure sick people
#5 Who could be a shaman? Men or women
Northwest Coast
#1 What is a potlatch? a party where the host gives gifts to show their wealth and generosity
#2 What did the totem pole and the potlatch symbolize for these people? wealth
#3 Why did the Kwakiutl use animal hides and cedar bark to make clothing? They are resources they had available
#4 This is a modern addition to Kwakiutl's culture (hint: a food) sugar
#5 These were common gifts given at a potlatch. Copper shields and blankets
#1 Why were horses so valuable to the Cheyenne? Horses changed their way of life. They made it easier to hunt, travel, and defeat enemies.
#2 Land set aside by the government for Native Americans reservation
#3 Group of families under a single leadership tribe
#4 Sled made of poles tide together used to transport goods travois
#5 Belts or strings of polished seashells wampum
Final Question
What is the Iroquois League AND why was it formed? Five tribes (later 6) that came together to make peace.