
World History Unit II Round 2 Answer Key

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#1 Athough he spent a great deal of time in England, where was George Friederic Handel from? Germany
#2 Although he spent a great deal of time in England, where was Franz Joseph Haydn from? Hungary
#3 Which well-known classical composer composed the Marriage of Figaro? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
#4 Which well-known baroque composer composed the Mass in B Minor? Johann Sebastian Bach
#5 By 1730, which artistic style began to replace the baroque and neoclassical styles? Rococo
Three Estates of France
#1 To which estate did the nobles belong? Second
#2 To which estate did the peasants belong? Third
#3 To which estate did the clergy belong? First
#4 To which estate did the bourgeoisie belong? Third
#5 To which estate did middle class bankers, merchants, and professionals belong? Third
French Revolutionay Government
#1 Which national legislature was called to meet by King Louis XVI on May 5, 1789? Estates General
#2 On June 17, 1789, which new legislative body did the Third Estate declare that it now was and that made laws for France? National Assembly
#3 Which five member executive committee ruled France under the First Republic? Directory
#4 When members of the Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath in 1789 at the start of the French Revolution, what were they vowing to complete? Draft a new Constitution
#5 What was the name given to the list of individual rights and liberties of the people of France, established on August 26, 1789? Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
Radical Revolution
#1 Which killing device was invented to make executions quicker and to execute people more humanely during the French Revolution? Guillotine
#2 Which famous Jacobin took control of France’s Committee of Public Safety in 1793? Maximilien Robespierre
#3 The Committee of Public Safety crushed opposition to the Revolution and executed 40,000 people in what became known as what? Reign of Terror
#4 Which royal prison and armory was defeated and dismantled by the rebels during the French Revolution? Bastille
#5 The overthrow of the government often goes by what French term? Coup d'etat
#1 Napoleon’s Great Army was defeated when it attempted to invade which nation? Russia
#2 Which country defeated the French-Spanish fleet in 1805 at Trafalgar and never fell to Napoleon? Great Britain
#3 After his return from exile, Napoleon lost to a combined British and Prussian army under the Duke of Wellington at which famous battle in Belgium on June 18, 1815? Waterloo
#4 Napoleon’s plan to stop British goods from reaching the European continent and being sold there in order to economically weaken Great Britain was known as what? Continental System
#5 Which island was Napoleon Bonaparte originally from? Corsica
Final Question
Which king and queen of France were executed by guillotine on January 21, 1793 (must have both names)? Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette