
USI Unit I Round II Answer Key

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Colonial Regions
#1 In which region of the original Thirteen Colonies was education the best in the 1700s as determined by literacy rates and the number of schools? New England
#2 In which region of the original Thirteen Colonies was the best for growing valuable and profitable cash crops because of its soil and growing conditions? South
#3 Where did the majority of African slaves in England’s American Colonies go during the 1700s? Chesapeake & South
#4 Which college or university was the first one founded in the present-day United States? Harvard
#5 After 1660, immigration into the Colonies increased dramatically for which two groups of settlers? Germans & Scots-Irish
British Laws
#1 Which laws were passed by Parliament to punish the citizens of Boston for the Boston Tea Party? Coercive Acts or Intolerable Acts (in the Colonies)
#2 Which law required settlers to remain east of the Appalachian Mountains? Proclamation of 1763
#3 Which document signed in 1215 by King John limited the power of the king and prevented him from taxing his nobles without their consent? Magna Carta
#4 hat types of laws were the Navigation Acts, passed by Parliament in the mid-1600s and 1700s? Trade Laws
#5 Which economic policy holds that a nation or empire can build wealth and power by exporting manufactured goods in exchange for gold and silver? Mercantilism
British Taxes
#1 Which British law was passed to assist the struggling British East India Company? Tea Act
#2 Which British law required that a tax be paid on any printed document in the Colonies? Stamp Act
#3 Which British law greatly impacted rum distillers because it taxed molasses? Sugar Act
#4 What was the Patriot’s central slogan against taxation by Parliament? No taxation without representation
#5 Which British laws placed a tax on paint, glass, and other items commonly used by the Colonists? Townshend Acts
Founding Fathers
#1 Who was made Commander of the Continental Army in 1775? George Washington
#2 Which founding father was the founder of the Sons of Liberty? Samuel Adams
#3 Which founding father was the Colonial agent in London that later became the oldest delegate to the Second Continental Congress? Benjamin Franklin
#4 Which founding father gave a passionate speech that he allegedly ended with the statement: “Give me liberty or give me death”? Patrick Henry
#5 Which founding father wrote the pamphlets Common Sense and American Crisis? Thomas Paine
Important Battles of the Revolution
#1 Where was the first shot of the American Revolution fired that became known as the “shot heard ‘round the world”? Battle of Lexington
#2 In which battle did General Cornwallis surrender to joint French and American forces? Battle of Yorktown
#3 Which battle convinced the French to join in the war against the British? Battle of Saratoga
#4 In which battle did George Washington sneak attack Hessians under Colonel Rall? Battle of Trenton
#5 In which battle did Molly Pitcher help bring water to the dehydrated troops? Battle of Monmouth Courthouse
Final Question
What were the three categories of protest used by the Colonists to protest British taxes and policies? Intellectual, Economic, & Violent Intimidation