
USI Unit I Round I Answer Key

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Before European Contact
#1 Which European nation looked for a direct sea route to Asia by traveling west across the Ocean Sea? Spain
#2 Which European nation looked for a direct sea route to Asia by traveling around the tip of Africa? Portugal
#3 What allowed Native American civilizations to create permanent settlements? Agriculture
#4 Which three powerful West African kingdoms developed along the Niger and Senegal Rivers? Ghana, Mali, & Songhai
#5 Who were the hunters who arrived in the Americas 15,000-60,000 years ago, during the last Ice Age? Paleo-Indians
#1 Which explorer established Spain’s land claim in the “New” World? Christopher Columbus
#2 When large number of Native American workers died off, who did Europeans turn to in order to fill the labor shortage? Africans
#3 What drastically reduced the native population of the Americas after European contact? Disease
#4 The French claimed land in North America based on which explorer’s voyage on the St. Lawrence River? Jacques Cartier
#5 The Columbian Exchange included the exchange of what things between the “Old” World and the Americas? Plants, Animals, & Diseases
#1 Which document was signed on the Mayflower to form a system of self-government before the passengers disembarked from the ship? Mayflower Compact
#2 Which group of colonists wanted to purify and improve the Church of England? Puritans
#3 Which group of colonists wanted to break away from the Church of England because they believed that it could not be fixed? Separatists
#4 Why didn’t the Separatists want to remain in the Netherlands? Their children were growing up influenced by the Dutch
#5 Whose journal, entitled Of Plimoth Plantation, was the basis for the history of the Pilgrims? William Bradford
Early Non-English Colonies
#1 What type of colony did the French establish in New France? Trading
#2 What are factors that motivate people to leave their home countries? Push Factors
#3 Which two non-English countries settled in the area between the English Chesapeake and New England between 1600 and 1660? Netherlands & Sweden
#4 What types of Spanish settlements succeeded in the New Mexico Colony? Misiones
#5 In the Spanish Casta System, what were people born of Spanish and Native parents called? Mestizos
Early Colonial History
#1 Immigrants from which country dominated immigration into the Thirteen Colonies up until 1660? England
#2 John Rolfe brought seeds for which cash crop (later called “green gold”) to Jamestown, saving the colony from economic ruin? Tobacco
#3 Which English island colony was a failure in 1584 and again in 1587? Roanoke
#4 Authority to settle in a place that is granted by a king and given on a formal legal certificate is called what? Charter
#5 Which two significant wars between Native Americans and colonists took place in New England in the 1600s? Pequot War & King Philip’s War
Final Question