
World History Unit I Round 2 Answer Key

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#1 What does the term “Renaissance” mean? Rebirth
#2 Where did the Renaissance begin? Italian City States: Milan, Venice, Florence
#3 Which Renaissance movement was based on the study of the Classics and subjects that we now call the Humanities? Humanism
#4 Which term means languages that are commonly spoken by the people (as opposed to Classical languages)? Vernacular
#5 Which political philosopher believed that leaders should take and hold power by any means necessary? Niccolò Machiavelli
Renaissance Art
#1 Which Renaissance artist painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo
#2 Which Renaissance artist painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Michelangelo
#3 Which Renaissance artist painted The School of Athens, which featured many famous ancient individuals and also included himself in the background? Raphael
#4 Which Renaissance artist sculpted the David sculpture? Michelangelo
#5 What did Renaissance artists try to reflect in their art? Human-centered world/ beatury of the human form
Protestant Reformers
#1 Which Protestant reformer began the Protestant Reformation by nailing his 95 theses on the door of the castle church at Wittenberg (in modern-day Germany)? Martin Luther
#2 Which English king became Protestant when the Pope refused to grant him a divorce? Henry VIII
#3 Which Protestant Reformer continued the work of Martin Luther in Switzerland but also believed in the idea of predestination? John Calvin
#4 Which Swiss reformer died in combat fighting over his beliefs? Ulrich Zwingli
#5 Which Christian Humanist wrote the Praise of Folly and encouraged reform? Desiderius Erasmus
Exploration & Conquest
#1 Which explorer’s crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe? Ferdinand Magellan
#2 Which explorer landed in Brazil and claimed it for Portugal? Pedro Álvarez Cabral
#3 Which conquistador led the Spanish conquest against the Aztec Empire? Hernán Cortés
#4 In addition to an exchange of people and ideas, the Columbian Exchange included the exchange of which three important things between the “Old” World and the Americas? Plants, Animals, Diseases
#5 Which conquistador led the Spanish conquest against the Incan Empire? Francisco Pizarro
Name the European Nation
#1 Which state remained very Catholic following the Protestant Reformation and removed all of the Jews and Muslims from the nation by 1492? Spain
#2 Which state became the leading Protestant nation in Europe under Queen Elizabeth I and also granted certain rights and liberties to its citizens through the Petition of Right and the Bill of Rights? England
#3 Which state fought violent wars of religion between Catholics and Huguenots before the Edict of Nantes allowed for religious toleration? France
#4 Which was a loose alliance of 300 states in Central and Northern Europe that allowed for each state to choose its own religion under the Peace of Westphalia? Holy Roman Empire
#5 Which became a strong military state under Frederick William and his son, King Frederick I? Prussia
Final Question
What was the name of the event in English history in which William of Orange and his wife Mary were invited to take the throne in England? Glorious Revolution