
Constitution Jeopardy Answer Key

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Bill of Rights
#1 What are the Bill of Rights? The first 10 amendments of the Constitution
#2 The third amendment prevents the quartering of soldiers . True or false? True
#3 Name 2 of the rights given in the first amendment. freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition
#4 The fourth amendment allows authorities to search people’s homes without any explanation or warrant. True or false? False
#5 The Second Amendment to the Constitution provides what right? The right to bare arms
#2 Which Amendment gave all MEN the right to vote? the 15th
#3 Which Amendment gave all WOMEN the right to vote? the 19th
#4 What does the term "ratify" mean? To approve; to make a written document official by signing it
#5 Which Amendment ended poll taxes? The 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, or 26th? the 24th
Rights and Responsibilities
#1 Name a voluntary responsibility Register to vote , be educated and well informed, hold elective office,take part in community, serve in the military
#2 Name a voluntary responsibility Register to vote , be educated and well informed, hold elective office,take part in community, serve in the military
#3 Name a voluntary responsibility Register to vote , be educated and well informed, hold elective office,take part in community, serve in the military
#4 Name a required responsibility obey laws, pay taxes, serve jury duty
#5 Name a required responsibility obey laws, pay taxes, serve jury duty
#1 Can the Constitution be changed? Yes
#2 How can the Constitution be changed? By Amendments
#3 What is the Constitution? It is the highest law in the country. It creates Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court.
#5 What percent of states' votes are needed to change the Constitution? 3/4 or 75%
Final Question