
Microbiology Exam 1 Review Answer Key

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#1 It was because of this physicist that the germ theory of disease was established. He worked with anthrax and demonstrated biological specificity of disease agents Who is Robert Koch?
#2 This scientist saved the french beer industry, discovered anaerobic life and disproved spontaneous generation of microorganisms Who is Louis Pasteur?
#3 This scientist had the first observation of bacteria and he did so by using his single lens simple microscope Who is Anton Van Leeuwenhoek?
#4 These TWO scientists provided evidence for the importance of asepsis and helped to discover antiseptic techniques for surgeries Who is Semmelweis and Lister?
#5 This scientist used small subunit rRNA to understand the relationship between things and noted that there was a lot of differences between prokaryotes Who is Carl Woese?
Scientists pt 2
#1 This scientist based his organization on cell structure, the cellular organization, and mode of nutrition for the more complex organisms Who is Robert Whittaker?
#2 This scientist created a kingdom to include unicellular or multicellular organisms that do not develop into differentiated tissue which included algae, fungi, protozoa and cyanobacteria Who is Ernst Haeckel?
#3 This scientist worked before the 19th century/the creation of the compound microscope, so his living kingdoms were based solely off of two distinct properties Who is Carolous Linnaeus?
#4 This scientist used the electron microscope to subdivide the protista into higher and lower protista Who is Stainer?
#5 This scientist worked with biochemical mutants of the fungus Neurospora Who is Beadle & Tatum?
Powerpoints 1 & 2
#1 Violation of this postulate would occur if a pure culture, when inoculated into susceptible animal's do not initiate the characteristic disease symptoms What is Koch's postulates #3?
#2 This phase would result if the temperature of the agar begins with 100C and ends with 50C? What is a liquid?
#3 This type of stain allows the visualization of spores, capsules and flagellum What is a structural stain?
#4 This type of cell has a diameter of between 0.1-5micrometers, and includes bacteria and archaea domains What is a prokaryotic cell?
#5 This type of acellular organism is a circular single-stranded RNA that contains some pairing between complementary bases and loops where no such pairing occurs What is a viroid?
Powerpoints 2 & 3
#1 This branch of biology is based off of grouping of organisms for convenience of laboratory study and focuses on phenotypic differences What is phylogeny?
#2 This type of bond is present in peptide bonds of proteins, phosphodiester bonds in DNA, and carbon dioxide What is a covalent bond?
#3 This type of compound combines with an H+ ion in water to become positively charged What is an amine?
#4 This type of compound is created from the combination of a phosphate and a carboxyl group, or from two or more phosphate groups What is an acid anhydride?
#5 This type of bond occurs when atoms approach each other and create a non-specific bond that if the atoms get too close they will repel each other What is a van der waals force?
Powerpoint 3
#1 This type of bond does not possess a dipole moment, it is unable to become hydrated, and is important for protein folding What is a hydrophobic force?
#2 These types of macromolecules contain storage granules and are termed "non-informational" What are polysaccharides and lipids?
#3 This takes up 6% of the make-up of the cell What is RNA?
#4 This is an example of a carbohydrate derivative that is located in bacterial cell walls and contains N-acetylglucosamine What is a peptidoglycan?
#5 This isomer of sugar can be found in the cell wall of bacteria and archaea? What is L-sugars?
Final Question
These types of bonds are found in glycogen or starch What is an a(1-4)-glycosidic bond?