
Family, Love and Relationships Answer Key

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Family 1
#1 Your family's origins roots
#2 People who were in your family in past times ancestors
#3 Your sister's daughter niece
#4 children offspring
#5 be similar to someone in your family in looks or personality take after
Family 2
#1 A family which consists of parents and children immediate/nuclear family
#2 A family that has just one parent lone-parent family
#3 Your father by blood biological fathe
#4 Your brother or sister sibling
#5 A family which has a lot of problems such as abuse or alcoholism dysfunctional family
Men Vs Women
#1 describes a person who likes to look after other people caring
#2 describes a person who uses physical force to hurt another violent
#3 describes a person who likes to give orders bossy
#4 describes a person who puts others first selfless
#5 describes a person who demands total love and affection possessive
Love, dating and Marriage 1
#1 immediate feelings of love upon seeing someone for the first time love at first sight
#2 to have a _______ on somebody crush
#3 a date with a person you have not met before a blind-date
#4 a man you are going to marry fiance
#5 love in one direction unrequited love
Love Dating and MarrIage 2
#1 A couple who are going to get married are _______ engage
#2 to see another girl romantically without your girlfriend's knowledge cheat on
#3 to become a couple again after breaking up get back together
#4 to recover from a break-up get over
#5 describes love between men and women who are just friends platonic
Final Question
to behave in a way that shows that you are attracted to somebody flirt