
Direct Answer Key

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Direct Object
#1 Pam handed Sam the fan. What is a fan?
#2 Jen gave the monkey a banana. What is a banana?
#3 No one likes the fruitcake Granny made for Gus. What is a fruitcake?
#4 He gave the cashier the antique radio. What is the antique radio?
#5 Sue fed the ducks bread crumbs. What are bread crumbs?
Indirect Object
#1 She downloaded Minecraft for her computer. What is a computer?
#2 The cashier angrily handed the money over to the robber. What is a robber?
#3 Granny decided to buy some new paint for her room. What is a room?
#4 The kids told their parents some lies. What are parents?
#5 Sam emailed the picture to his supervisor. What is a supervisor?
Direct Object
#1 The girl bought a new charger for her phone. What is a charger?
#2 Granny knit a sweater for the chicken. What is a sweater?
#3 Bob Ross painted a picture for his cousin's birthday. What is a picture?
#4 Santa brought toys for the little kids. What are toys?
#5 Dinosaurs bought the Michael Jackson album for their record player. What is the Michael Jackson album?
Indirect Object
#1 The koala didn't enjoy the banana that Jeff had given him. What is a koala?
#2 Granny made some waffles for the chickens. What are chickens?
#3 Jose made an "abstract painting" for his pet cat. What is a cat?
#4 The penguins huddled inside of the igloo the zookeeper had made for them. What are penguins?
#5 Granny bought a nightlight for her nephew. What is a nephew?
Identify Both (Format: Direct, Indirect)
#1 Granny knit blankets for everyone in the world. What are blankets, everyone?
#2 Granny bought pet dinosaurs for her grandchildren. What are pet dinosaurs, grandchildren?
#3 Granny hosted a disco party for her best friends. What is a disco party, best friends?
#4 Granny gave the marathon winner a trophy. What is a trophy, marathon winner?
#5 Everyone chipped in to buy Granny a retirement present. What is a retirement present, Granny?
Final Question
Granny fought off the pirates with a sword while walking the plank. She finally managed to distract them by throwing an apple at their parrot. What is an apple, parrot?