
Game Answer Key

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Key words

Thomas Jefferson was part of which political party?

Democratic Republicans


What does purchase means?

to buy


What does loose mean?



What does geographic mean?

geography- mountains, rivers, oceans, plains


What does embargo mean?

to stop trading

Foreign Policy

What does foreign mean?

outside the US, strange, different


What does neutral/neutrality mean?

to not take sides


One feature common to the foreign policies of Presidents George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson was that each wanted to


1. favor France in its conflict with Great Britain

2. secure new territory west of the Mississippi River

3. maintain neutrality during European conflicts

4. seek military alliances with neighboring countries



Why did President Jefferson enact the Embargo Act of 1807?


1. He was trying to avoid getting involved in a war.

2. He was trying to hurt the American economy.

3. He was trying to improve foreign trade.

4. He was hoping the Americans would build more ships.



The Louisiana Purchase (91803) was a foreign policy success for the US primarily because it


1. secured full control of Florida from Spain

2. ended French control of the Mississippi River

3. ended British occupation of forts on American soil

4. eliminated Russian influence in North America


Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase was important to the US because it


1. expanded the nation's boundary to the Pacific Ocean

2. removed the Spanish from North America

3. closed the western territories to slavery

4. secured control of the Mississippi River



Which group benefited most from the US aquisition of the port of New Orleans?


1. farmers in the Ohio River Valley

2. Native American Indians in the Southwest

3. fur trappers in the Columbia River Valley

4. gold miners in northern California



Which geographic area was added to the United States by the Louisiana Purchase?


1. Appalachian Mountains

2. Columbia River Valley

3. Great Plains

4. Piedmont Plateau



The Lewis and Clark expedition (1803–1806) was important because it


1. determined the route of the first transcontinental railroad

2. opened an all-water route to the Gulf of Mexico

3. removed the British threat from the Northwest Territory

4. increased understanding of the area included in the Louisiana Purchase





The Louisiana Purchase initially presented a dilemma for President Jefferson because he believed it would


1. lead to war with Great Britain

2. bankrupt the new nation

3. force Native American Indians off theri lands

4. violate his strict constructionist view of the Constitution


Essay Question #1

What happened to the size of the US because of the Louisana Purchase?

It doubled in size.


Why was it a good thing that the US gained control of the Mississippi through the Louisiana Purchase?

The US got control of the port of New Orleans and the farmers could send their goods down the Mississippi.


Why were the Great Plains an important part of the Louisiana Purchase?

Because they became a source of crops and food for the US.


Why did the westward expansion cause conflict/problems?

It displaced/moved many Native Americans.


How did slavery become an issue for the lands bought through the Louisiana Purchase?

The states had to decide to be free or allow slavery. This division led to the Civil War.


Jeffersonian Republicans believed the "ideal citizens" of a republic were


1. Town artisans                              3. Slaves

2. Independent farmers                   4. Clergymen



Which early political party supported states’ rights, believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, and envisioned the nation’s economy to be based on agriculture?


1. Democratic-Republicans                    3. Whigs

2. Federalists                                       4. Anti-Federalists



One result of the purchase of the Louisiana Territory (1803) was that the United States


1. acquired California from Spain

2. gained control of the port of New Orleans

3. ended border conflicts with British Canada

4. annexed Florida



Why did Thomas Jefferson withhold the essential documents needed to swear in the “midnight judges” when he took office?


1. He wanted to change the rules about appointing judges first.

2. He was a Democratic-Republican who did not want to have so many Federalist judges in place.

3. He thought the judges were not qualified to be sworn in.

4. He was angry that the Federalist Supreme Court had chosen the judges without his consent.



Which action of President Thomas Jefferson was in conflict with his belief in a strict interpretation of the Constitution?


1. protesting the impressment of United States sailors

2. purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France

3. pardoning violators of the Alien and Sedition Acts

4. using the United States Navy to subdue the Barbary pirates


Final Question