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L is for Linguistics
#1 The systematic identification and description of sounds of all languages. What is phonetics
#2 The smallest units of sound that have meaning in a language What are morphemes
#3 Indigenous, or other forms of knowledge regarding sustainability of local resources that is often embedded in language What is TEK (traditional ecological knowledge)
#4 The idea that language shapes the way we see and think about the world. What is linguistic relativity, or the Whorf-Sapir hypothesis

This is a set of words developed by a culture in relation to their particular environment or circumstances

What is a lexicon

Off to the Races
#1 These real estate and zoning techniques that characterized some neighborhoods as "high-risk" led to generational wealth disparity beginning with the FHA housing program. What is red lining
#2 The belief that many human behaviors (like criminality or poverty) are innate and controlled by an individual's genes. What is biological determinism
#3 A set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population by having humans rather than the environment define what traits offer adaptive “fitness”. What is eugenics
#4 This form of racism refers to inequality that is built into cultural institutions that perpetuate patterns of inequality. What is institutionalized racism
#5 What aspect of population genetics and evolution likely contributes the most to our inability to separate human populations into discrete biological racial groups? What is gene flow
One World Culture
#1 .A theory that describes globalization as a system structured to benefit the core, drawing resources from the periphery nations. What is World Systems Theory or approach
#2 Power that organizes the systemic interaction within and among societies, directing economic, political forces and ideological forces What is structural power
#3 Power that coerces others that is backed up by economic and/or military power. What is hard power
#4 Power that co-opts and persuades rather than coerces, getting people to change their behaviours, beliefs, values. What is soft power
#5 Physical and/or psychological harm caused by impersonal, exploitative, and unjust social, political, and economic systems What is structural violence
Hand up or hand out
#1 An intervention philosophy that historically has encouraged industrialization, modernization, westernization, and individualism as desirable evolutionary advances to address issues like poverty and hunger. What is development
#2 An ambitious set of objectives for improving the human condition by 2015. What are the UN Millennium Goals
#3 Canada’s federal development agency. What is CIDA
#4 The application of anthropological perspectives to the multidisciplinary branch of development studies. What is development anthropology
#5 Both UNICEF and the Mustard Seed Soceity are examples of this type of aid organization. What are NGOs, or non-governmental organizations
Final Question