
Sound (Waves part 3) Answer Key

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Sound - General
#1 Sound starts with some kind of ___________. Disturbance
#2 Once a disturbance is made, it creates ________ that travel through the air. Vibration
#3 Sound vibrations travel through the air as a __________ wave. Longitudinal
#4 Sound waves move (in the same or in a different) direction as the disturbance In the same direction
#5 Why does sound travel slower than light? Because it requires a medium
Sound - Density and Temperature
#1 Compared to light, sound travels _____________. Slower
#2 Sound travels ______ in liquids than in solids. Slower
#3 The denser the material the ________ sound travels Faster
#4 Sound travels ________ in colder temps Slower
#5 The warmer the temp the _______ sound travels Faster
Sound - Properties
#1 Intensity is _________ and Loudness is ___________ Energy; Volume
#2 Pitch is ____ or ____ and Frequency is how ________ a wave passes High or Low; Often
#3 Intensity and Loudness are friends with ___ while pitch and Frequency are friends with _____. Amplitude; Wavelength
#4 A wave with low energy and low volume has a ___________ amplitude smaller, shorter
#5 A wave with a high sound and fast wave has a ________ wavelength short, small
Sound - Vocal Cords
#1 Step 1 - Talking to make sound starts with air from your _______. Lungs
#2 Step 2 - Air is pushed up from your lungs and rushes past your _______. Layrny, voice box, vocal cords
#3 Step 3 - As air rushes past your vocal cords, your vocal cords _______. Vibrate
#4 These vibrations travel as ________ and ______ or as longitudinal waves. Compressions; Rarefactions
#5 Thicker vocal cords (like in males) make a _________ sound where as thinner vocal cords make a ________ sound. Lower; Higher
Sound - The Ear
#1 What are the three main sections of the ear? Outer, Midle and Inner
#2 The middle ear contains the ______, ________ and _______ which amplify sound. Hammer, Anvil and Stirrup
#3 The ________ has liquid and tiny hairs that move to pass sound to the auditory nerve Cochlea
#4 The outer ear ______ sound into the ear canal which sends those vibartions to the _______. Funnels; Eardrum
#5 The sound we hear is possible because of __________ Vibrations
Final Question
Name the parts of the EM Spectrum in order from highest frequency to lowerst frequency Gamma, X-Ray, UV Ray, Visible Light, Infrared, Microwave, Radio