
Cells Answer Key

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#1 What is the basic structural unit of all living things? cells
#2 What is the gel-like substance that holds the organelles in place? Cytoplasm
#3 What cell organelle is considered the brain? Nucleus
#4 The job of the cell-membrane is to? Control what enters and exits the cell.
#5 What do plant cells have that animal cells do not? Chloroplasts, Chlorophyll, and a cell wall
The 5 Kingoms
#1 What is the most well known type of fungus? Mushroom
#2 How many Kingdoms are there? 5
#3 What two major characteristics is the animal kingdom split into? Vertebrates & Invertebrates
#4 What kingdom includes bacteria? Monera
#5 What are the names of the 5 Kingdoms? Fungi, Monera, Animal, Plant, Protista
Vertebrates & Invertebrates
#1 Animals with a backbones are called? Vetebrates
#2 Animals that do not have a backbone are called? Invertebrates
#3 A jellyfish is classified as what? Invertebrate
#4 Insects are classified as which of the following; invertebrates or vertebrates? Invertebrates
#5 True or False: All animals that live on land have backbones? False
Vascular & Non-Vascular Plants
#1 What are liverworts classified as? NonVascular Plants
#2 Plants that have tubes and roots are classified as? Vascular
#3 What type of plant is moss? Nonvascular
#4 Water moves up through a tube called what? Xylem
#5 What carries food from the leaves to other parts of the plant? Phloem
Bonus Questions
#1 Cells, cells, they're made of... Organelles
#2 What is the job of the Chloroplasts in the plant cell? They hold Chlorophyll for making food
#3 What prehistoric animals are know for having backbones? Dinosaurs
#4 What type of plant is classified as not having roots, stems, or leaves? Nonvascular Plants
#5 An organism that produces spores and has a cell walls, but does not have chlorophyll, belongs to which kingdom of living things? Fungi
Final Question