
Stand Together review Answer Key

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Stand Together 101
#1 Name the word that describes a diagnosable condition that affects a persons thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and interferes with daily life. Mental Illness
#2 Name the negative perceptions and stereotypes that often prevents people from getting help. Stigma
#3 Name a cause of mental illness. Genetic predisposition, trauma, chemical imbalances
#4 Name two forms of treatment for mental illness. Medication, therapy, support groups, rehab, etc.
#5 Name an adult you trust you can go to if you or someone you know is having a problem. Parents, family members, teacher, SAP, counselor, nurse, etc.
Definitions of Disorders
#1 Constant sense of hopelessness, extreme sadness, difficult to enjoy life. Major Depressive Disorder
#2 Excessive and unrealistic worry or extreme fear. Anxiety
#3 Occurs when a person sees/experiences a traumatic event. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
#4 Mood swings ranging from highs of mania to lows of depression. Bi-polar disorder or manic-depressive disorder
#5 Causes you to interpret reality abnormally and may experience hallucinations or delusions. Schizophrenia
What Would You Do? (WWYD?)
#1 You overhear someone making a rude joke about mental illness. (varies)
#2 A new student sits by himself at lunch and is being bullied. (varies)
#3 A friend's parents just got divorced and she hasn't been hanging out with you lately. (varies)
#4 A friend of yours witnessed a shooting and has been skipping school. (varies)
#5 A friend confides in you that (s)he doesn't want to live anymore. (varies)
Finish the Phrase
#1 Mental illnesses and substance use disorders affect... EVERYONE!
#2 Stigma is... shame
#3 Shame makes... silence
#4 Silence hurts... us all
#5 Treatment over... tragedy
#1 What is the ratio for how many people are affected by mental illness? 1:4
#2 The two things you can do for someone you know with mental illness are offer... Encouragement and support
#3 This is another word for standing up for yourself or someone else. Advocate
#4 This is a special person at your school that you can go to for mental health concerns. (FULL WORDS) Student Assistant Program (SAP)
#5 Words matter! You should always use _________-_____ language when talking about an individual with a MI/SUD. Person-first
Final Question
Name one celebrity that has spoken out about his/her mental illness. Kid Cudi, Demi Lovato, J.K. Rowling, Lady Gaga, Simone Biles, Buzz Aldrin, Heath Ledger, etc.