
Biological Beginnings Answer Key

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Phases of Prenatal Growth
#1 What is the first phase of prenatal growth? Fertilization
#2 What connects the embryo to the placenta? Umbilical cord
#3 Fingernails are usually present during what month of pregnancy? 6th month
#4 In reference to prenatal diagnostic techniques, what does CVS stand for? Chorionic Villius Sampling
#5 How long is the embryonic phase of prenatal development? 6 weeks (weeks 2-8)
#1 Fill in the blank: Encourage women to evaluate their ____before becoming pregnant. Health
#2 fill in the blank: Nature forms ____ and ova and fuses them to form and organism with unique genetic makeup. Sperm
#3 Fill in the blank: _____ is evident in environmental effects on parents' chromosomes, as occurs when radiation creates errors in reproductive cells. Nurture
#4 Babies are considered full term after how many weeks? 38 Weeks
#5 A baby born before 37 weeks is considered to be____ A premature Infant
Common Chromosomal Genetic Disorders In Children
#1 what genetic disorder is classified by having an extra 21st chromosome. Down Syndrome
#2 What is the incidence rate of Prader-Willi Syndrome? 1 per 10,000-25,000 births
#3 What gender is Duchenne muscular dystrophy present in? Boys
#4 What are the characteristics of Sickle cell disease? Children develop blood cells that are rigid and cant pass through small blood vessels.
#5 What proteins are destroyed from Huntingon's disease? Brian cells.
#1 Which harmful substance, when consumed during pregnancy, can cause facial abnormalities, impulsiveness, and other developmental delays? Alcohol
#2 What organic substance could could pregnant women consume, that over time, cause intellectual and motor disabilities. Organic Mercury
#3 When this toxin is consumed during pregnancy, the baby could be born small and underweight (less often) causing miscarriages. Nicotine
#4 When used during pregnancy, this harmfull substance can cause small head size, irritability, lethargy, and premature birth. Cocaine
#5 Toxoplasmosis is an infection contracted by an exposure to a parasite often found in_____. Cat #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!# and under cooked meat.
#1 Program developed to ensure that a child with a disability at any educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services Individualized education plan.
#2 What is the abbreviation for Dexyribonic acid? DNA
#3 Students who attend are welcome and supported to learn, contribute, and participate in all aspects of life in school. Inclusion
#4 1 of 2 or more alternative forms of a gene. Allele
#5 Process in which an organism alter is its own environment. Niche construction
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