
von Maluski 8th Grade 2nd 6 Weeks Answer Key

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Revolutionary War
#1 Strong leadership, alliances with Spain & France, fighting for beliefs. What are strengths of the Continental Army?
#2 The turning point of the Revolutionary War What is the Battle of Saratoga?
#3 In this event, George Washington led a group of soldiers across the Delaware River on Christmas, 1776. What is the Battle of Trenton?
#4 The last major battle of the Revolutionary War. What is the Battle of Yorktown?
#5 The treaty that ended the war and made the United States officially independent from England What is the Treaty of Paris, 1783?
Writing the Constitution
#1 This rebellion happened as a result of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation What is Shays' Rebellion?
#2 This plan was favored by the small states. What is the New Jersey Plan?
#3 This compromise allowed both large & small states to influence decisions by creating a bicameral legislature. What is the Great Compromise?
#4 This house of Congress has 435 members. Each state's # of representatives is decided by population size. What is the House of Representatives?
#5 This compromise stated that for the purposes of representation, 5 slaves should be counted as 3 free white men. What is the 3/5 Compromise?
Constitution Vocabulary
#1 A plan for government What is a constitution?
#2 An adjective meaning "having two parts" What is bicameral?
#3 A government that shares power between the central (national) government and the states What is a federal system of government?
#4 An agreement in which both sides give up something to reach an agreement. What is a compromise?
#5 A law-making group What is a legislature?
3 Branches of Government
#1 Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton & George H.W. Bush have all been a part of this branch. What is the executive branch?
#2 The branch that interprets the laws. What is the judicial branch?
#3 The name for the legislative branch at the federal level. What is Congress (House of Representatives and the Senate)
#4 The 3 branches of government exist at these three levels. What are federal, state and local?
#5 At the federal level, the Supreme Court is the name for this branch. What is the judicial branch?
More Constitution!
#1 This system gives each branch of government some control over the actions of the others & requires cooperation among the branches What is the system of checks and balances?
#2 The president can do this to a law passed by Congress that he/she does not like. What is a veto?
#3 This system maintains separation of powers between the 3 LEVELS of government. What is federalism?
#4 These two Founding Fathers began the first political parties. Who are Thomas Jefferson & Alexander Hamilton?
#5 In the U.S.A., people do not vote directly for the president and vice president. Instead, this system is used. What is the electoral college?
Final Question
A candidate needs this many electoral college votes to win the presidential election. What is 270?