
von Maluski 8th Grade 1st 6 Weeks Answer Key

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13 Colonies
#1 A group of people who settle in a distant land, but remain under the authority of their native country What is a colony?
#2 Slavery, religious freedom, criminal conviction, and the chance to own land What are reasons colonists came to North America?
#3 Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia What are the Southern colonies?
#4 New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania What are the Middle / Mid-Atlantic colonies?
#5 Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut What are the New England colonies?
Revolutionary War Vocabulary
#1 To take back or undo a law What is to repeal?
#2 Money paid to the government What is a tax?
#3 Self-rule or freedom What is independence?
#4 To refuse to use/buy in protest of a policy What is to boycott?
#5 Rights that cannot be taken away What are inalienable rights?
More Revolutionary War Vocabulary
#1 A forcible overthrow of a government What is a revolution?
#2 Cruel, oppressive, unfair government rule or leadership. What is tyranny?
#3 In the Revolutionary War, the group that defended the new country from Britain at any cost. Who are Patriots?
#4 In the Revolutionary War, the group that stayed loyal to the leader, King George III. Who are Loyalists?
#5 A brutal killing of innocent people. What is a massacre?
Road to Revolution
#1 In this event, France fought England, France lost its North American land, and King George III angered colonists when he drew a line down the Appalachian Mountains that colonists were not allowed to cross. What is the French and Indian War?
#2 This slogan represented that colonists had to give money to England, but didn't get to help make decisions or vote in Parliament What is "No Taxation Without Representation"?
#3 During this event, the Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians and threw shipments overboard into Boston Harbor. What is the Boston Tea Party?
#4 This act forced colonists to pay a small fee for each piece of paper they purchased or used. What is the Stamp Act?
#5 After reading this document, King George III called the colonists traitors and rejected their ideas. What is the Olive Branch Petition?
The Declaration of Independence
#1 The author of the Declaration of Independence (and the 3rd President!) Who is Thomas Jefferson?
#2 This is the section of the Declaration that explains why colonists wanted to separate from England. What is the Preamble?
#3 In this section, colonists wrote out their complains about King George III and England What is the Grievances?
#4 The date the Declaration was actually signed. What is July 2nd, 1776?
#5 This famous phrase describes inalienable rights that all people have. What is "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"?
Final Question
This pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine, inspired many colonists to join the Patriot side for independence from England. What is Common Sense?