
Game Answer Key

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The Earth's sun is an average sized this.

What is a star.


Other stars, like our sun, look like little points of lights in sky because of this.

What is distance


Our moon orbits this.

What is the Earth


The sun is more than a million times greater in this than the Earth.

What is volume


The five major bodies in the solar system are these.

What are planets, comets, moons, asteroids and the sun


The interval of this topographic map is this number.

What is 20


Burning fossil fuels is one factor that can contribute to this.

What is global warming


Studying earthquake waves have helped scientists determine this.

What is the Earth's interior


Latitude travels in this direction (horizontally or vertically)

What is horizontally


This side has the steepest slope.

What is the west side


The condition of this at a certain time is weather.

What is the atmosphere


Weather is caused by this.

What is the uneven heating of the Earth's surface


The average year after year conditions.

What is climate


The boundary between two air masses.

What is a front


When air remains stationary over a large section of the Earth's surface, this is formed.

What is an air mass


If you add heat and pressure to a rock it will become this type of rock.

What is a metamorphic rock


A rock that undergoes weathering, erosion, compaction and cementation, this type of rock is formed.

What is a sedimentary rock


When magma or lava cools, this type of rock is formed.

What is an igneous rock


The thin layer of water on top of the Earth's surface.

What is the hydrosphere


The earth's surface is covered with a rocky called this.

What is the lithosphere or crust

Plate Tectonics

Geologists think that the movement of Earth's plate is caused by this.

What is convection.


The Earth is divided into these three layers.

What is the crust, mantle and core


When two plates are moving towards each other this type of plate boundary is formed.

What is a convergent boundary


Volcanoes are most likely to form on this.

What is a plate boundary


Tectonic plates move on top of the partially melted section of the mantle as heat is circulated through this process.

What is convection

Final Question

A mineral that is black, has fracture, is metallic and is attracted to magnets is this type of rock.

What is magnetite