
American Romanticism Test Review Answer Key

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American Romanticism
#1 What literary time period was Romanticism a reaction to? Age of Reason
#2 What three major issues were in progress in America during the Romantic time period? (name 1) westward expansion, North and South arguments, and individuals wanted creativity and freedom of thought
#3 Besides politics, what other issues did the Romantics of the time period reject? religion, classical form and reason
#4 Name one issue that created a sectional conflict between the North and the South? slavery, representation in government, tariffs and taxes, and states' rights
#5 What time period (years) does American Romanticism fall? 1800-1855
Washington Irving
#1 What is satire? people, customs, or institutions are ridiculed with the purpose of improving society
#2 In 'The Devil and Tom Walker,' what character traits do Tom and his wife share? miserly, mean-spirited, and without conscience
#3 How does Tom try to avoid fulfilling his end of the deal with the Devil? He becomes religious: goes to church and carries his Bible everywhere
#4 What Washington Irving classic contained time travel and a 'crazy' wife? Rip Van Winkle
#5 What is the overall moral of 'The Devil and Tom Walker'? Greed can lead to destruction.
#1 What does 'Thanatopsis' mean? View of death
#2 What were the three essential values of the Transcendentalists? individualism, idealism and divinity of nature
#3 What is an aphorism? a short phrase that expresses truth for life
#4 Why did the Transcendentalists advocate for social reform? They didn't believe it was necessary to change one's behavior to match social expectations.
#5 How do the ideas of Transcendentalism remain applicable to today? Allows you to express your opinion, wants you to follow your gut instinct and see God in nature
Dark Romanticism
#1 Other than Dark Romanticism, what was this time period of literature named? Anti-transcendentalism or Gothic literature
#2 What are the three characteristics of dark romanticism? symbols that represent evil, horrific themes and the psychological impact of guilt and sin over a person
#3 In Poe's 'Raven', what is the raven symbolic of? hopelessness
#4 Of what writing genre was Edgar Allan Poe considered to be the 'father'? Detective-style writing
#5 Name one theme used in Dark Romanticism. Evil always exists in a person; Sin is everywhere; Guilt can destroy you.
Odds and Ends
#1 In 'The Masque of the Red Death,' why does Prince Prospero seal himself and his guests in the abbey? to protect them against the red death
#2 In Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience,' what overall message was he trying to share? Fight against injustice in a peaceful manner; follow your heart.
#3 According to the speaker in 'Thanatopsis,' why should people greet death without fear? They will not be alone.
#4 What was the overall tone in 'A Tide Rises, a Tide Falls'? comforting
#5 In 'The Masque of the Red Death,' what happens to the prince and his guests when the uninvited guest takes off the mask? They all die,the clock stops and the lights go out.
Final Question
Who were the fireside poets? Why were they called 'the fireside poets' and what made them so popular for the common people? Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Lowell, Bryant; students would memorize and share the poems as entertainment at night around the fireside; and they wrote about simple, everyday things. They didn't try to impress each other and they celebrated the virtues of family and home