
Game Answer Key

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#1 What type of organism is Phytoplankton ? (Producer, Consumer, Decomposer) Producer
#2 What would be a result of the increase in the fox population? A decrease in the rabbit population
#3 What are organisms that break down dead material in an ecosystem? Decomposers
#4 What are the organisms that eat plants and other organisms in an ecosystem? Consumers
#5 What are water based and land based ecosystems called? Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Nutrient Systems
#1 What part of the digestive system breaks down food with digestive juices and muscles? The stomach
#2 What is the function of the small intestine? To pass nutrients from digested food into the blood
#3 Which body part filters waste products from the blood? The kidneys
#4 What are the elements a plant uses to make food (nutrients)? Water, Carbon Dioxide, Light
#5 What is the purpose of the digestive system? To break down food into simple chemicals, so it can be used by individual cells in the body.
Transport Systems
#1 Which system in an animal is most similar to the vascular system in a plant? The circulatory system
#2 What is the function of the capillaries? To take blood to every cell in the body
#3 What is the function of the lungs? To exchange gases in the atmosphere

What is the purpose of the respiratory system?

To exchange gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) from the lungs and into the blood stream.

#5 Name three purposes of the circulatory system in animals. 1. to transport oxygen to all of the cells in the body 2. to remove carbon dioxide and other waste products from the body 3. to transport nutrients to all the cells in the body
Sensory Systems
#1 When a person slaps a mosquito that is biting them, is that a stimulus or a response? Response
#2 What is the event that causes a reaction called? A stimulus
#3 What are behaviors such as blinking when something comes toward your eye or catching yourself when falling called? Relexes
#4 Name three reasons features that attract attention ( stripes on a zebra, colorful flowers, bright colors, etc... ) are important in an organism Aid in pollination, aid is seed dispersal, warn of bad taste, attract a mate, distract a predator, warn when danger is near.
#5 What is the function of the central nervous system? Coordinating action from the brain to other parts of the body.
Grab Bag
#1 What are learned behaviors? Behaviors someone must teach you to do-ride a bike, walking, playing the piano
#2 How do monarch butterflies learn to migrate? They don't it is an instinctive behavior
#3 What is the role of red worms in the ecosystem? To break down organic litter into small pieces- to decompose organic waste into fine organic material (humus)
#4 What provides energy for all organisms? The sun
#5 Name two purposes of the vascular systems in plants. To transport water and minerals from the roots through the xylem to all the cells in the plant. And to transport nutrients, made through photo synthesis in the leaves, through the phloem in the form of sap to all cells of the plant.
Final Question
How is the sun important for food in all parts of the food web? A food web is based on the producers in the ecosystem, producers