
ASTR 120 Midterm Answer Key

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The Basics
#1 This is the single most important ingredient essential for human life What is water?
#2 This institution has coined the term life as "a self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution" What is NASA?
#3 Saturn’s small, cold, icy moon is known as this What is Enceladus?
#4 Jets of water squirting from cracks near this part of Enceladus provide evidence of an underground ocean What is the South Pole?
#5 Liquid being released through tidal flexing of Enceladus is a result of this What is stretching and squeezing due to Saturn's gravity?
Impact of Exploration
#1 The process of forming a hypothesis, testing through observations, analyzing data, and forming educated conclusions is known as this What is the scientific method?
#2 The orbiter spacecraft originally intended to take detailed images and accurate measurements of atmospheric conditions and light spectra in space is known as What is Cassini?
#3 Cassini has detected the presence of many life supporting molecules including… (name at least two) What are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, molecular nitrogen, propane, acetylene, formaldehyde, and traces of ammonia?
#4 Scientists are hoping to measure the amount of this type of gas in Enceladus' plume What is hydrogen?
#5 Chemical reactions in hydrothermal vents at the bottom of Enceladus’ oceans give scientists information about What is the amount of generated energy and heat?
Missed Opportunities
#1 One of Saturn's moon, Europa, may have the potential for life due to this What is a subsurface ocean?
#2 This sister planet of Earth is considered by some as the true genesis, where our biochemical ancestors first lived What is Mars?
#3 Traces of water on Mars exist in the form of these key observations (name one) What are "blueberries", lack of small craters and evidence of erosion in large craters, and streaks of damp sand?
#4 This is the name of Saturn's largest moon and the only one in our solar system with a thick atmosphere What is Titan?
#5 Titan's surface lakes are made of this chemical compound What is liquid methane?
Expect the Unexpected
#1 Our laws of physics are sculpted into unique forms by these criteria What are time and circumstances?
#2 Life takes hold quickly given the right conditions, made evident by the presence of life on Earth as early as What is 4.1 billion years ago?
#3 This twin-spacecraft odyssey taught us that no moon or world encountered was the same What are the Voyager missions?
#4 Assuming life outside of Earth may take various forms, these few examples of differences may help us to more easily accept the possibility of its existence (name one) What are differences in size, shape, color, composition, and required atmosphere?
#5 Using this range of wavelengths between 400-700 nm may not be the only way to detect unknown microbes in our solar system What is visible light?
#1 Attempting to find, capture, and study microbes in our solar system would have this monetary effect What is high/costly?
#2 Discovering living organisms in our solar system would entail space exploration through launching these general types of machinery What is big and complicated pieces of hardware?
#3 Contrary to popular belief, launching microbe finding instruments into our solar system would help our economy by What is providing jobs (for engineers, scientists, accountants, electricians, programmers, and experts in crafts not yet invented)?
#4 According to author Dennis Overbye, one of two possible outcomes of searching for life in our solar system may lead to the discovery of this happy ending What is that we are not alone and the cosmos is more diverse than we ever expected?
#5 According to author Dennis Overbye, one of two possible outcomes of searching for life in our solar system may lead to the discovery of this tragic ending What is that we are alone? (“deafening silence”)
Final Question