
Game Answer Key

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It's a Revolution
#1 A young Virginian lawyer that drafts a document declaring the colonies are "free and independent states" Thomas Jefferson
#2 The Age of Reason tells us that by using reason, humans could manage themselves without depending on what? past traditions, the bible, kings or queens, God

One of the results of the American Revolution

Cities grow, richer cultural life, Washington elected president

#4 Colonists wrote these during the Revolutionary Period pamphlets, speeches, songs, poems
#5 England withdrew the stamp tax of 1765 because of American demonstration and then imposed this act for fear of looking weak Townshend Act
By the numbers
#1 The years of the Revloutionary Period are from: 1730-1800
#2 The War of Words began in this year 1763
#3 The Boston Massacre resulted in this many deaths 5
#4 This number of crates of tea end up in the harbor during the Boston Tea Party 342
#5 What was the year of the Boston Tea Party 1773
The New America
#1 The first American novel written The Power of Sympathy
#2 The type of discourse that uses reason and emotional appeals to convince another person to think or act in a certain way persuasive
#3 The name of the purchase that resulted in the addition of 800,000 acres Louisiana Purchase
#4 The person responsible for the purchase of what would become 13 states Thomas Jefferson
#5 One of the parts to the Declaration of Independence preamble, list of complaints, declaration or foreward
Who wrote it
#1 Speech to the Virginia Convention Patrick Henry
#2 The Crisis #1 Thomas Paine
#3 The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
#4 Letters to John Adams Abigail Adams
#5 Strive Towards Freedom Martin Luther King Jr
The Works
#1 In "Speech to the Virginian Convention," the speaker assumes there will be this many people fighting for the holy cause of freedom 3 million
#2 In the "Declaration" who is the "He"? The king of Britain
#3 This person is considered the greatest orator of the period Patrick Henry
#4 This person died on the 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
#5 The emphasis in Classicism was on Human ______________________ Limitations
Final Question
Patrick Henry's speech to the Virginia Convention was delivered on this date March 23, 1775