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Content 1
#1 What are the three principal topics in IB English B program? Communication and Media, Social Relationships, Global Issues.
#2 What are the 2 options that ANAI English B program follows during the 2 years of preparation? Custom and Tradition, Cultural Diversity.
#3 What was the first unit we saw in this course? Runaways and Thrownaways.
#4 What was the final activity for this unit? Webquest, create a blog with 5 entries about the topic.
#5 Was this in groups or individual? In groups.
Content 2

What was the second unit we saw in this course?

Homellessness vs. Houselessness.


Was the final activity of this unit in groups or individual?

In groups.


Whas was the third unit of this course?

First world problems.


What was the fourth unit of this course



What was the fifth unit of this course?

Valentines's day.

Assessment 1
#1 What is the weight % of the oral interactive exam? 5%

What is the weight % of the oral individual exam?



What is the weight % of the written assignment?



What is the weight % of Paper 1 and Paper 2 exams?

70%, 35% each.


From 1 to 7 what is the minimum needed to get the English B IB certificate?

Minimum 4.

Paper 2

Explain. What is Paper 1 about? and how long is it?

Paper 1 is a test handling exam,or a reading comprehention exam, it is based on 5 readings, and 60 questions about the readings, students have to complete the exam in 1h30 minutes.


Paper 2 is a reading exam or a writing (composition) exam?

Writing exam. Composition exam.


How many sections does it have?

It has 2 sections A and B.


How many options are in section A of Paper 2 exam?

There are 5 options.


How many options in section A of Paper 2 exam, do you have to choose to write in the exam?

Just one, the one you feel more confident about.

Paper 2

In Paper 2 section A. Can you use the text type you like the most to write your composition?

No,you can not, you have to follow the instructions from the option you chose, the instruction tells you the text type you have to use.


In Paper 2 section B. How many options are there for you to write about?

There is only one option.


Can you choose your own text type to write your composition in section B

Yes, I can. I choose my own text type I am expert about.


How long is Paper 2 exam ? What color pen can you use? what will you do when you make a mistake in English B exam?

It is 1h 30 minutes, Black or red no pencil, I cross out the wrong answer with 2 parallels lines.


What techniques has your teacher told you about IB Paper 1 and Paper 2 exams? At least mention one per exam.

Answers will vary.

Final Question
Are you readyyyyyyyyyyy????????? Yes, we are.