
Howell Ecology Answer Key

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Energy Flow
#1 The original source of energy for most organisms on Earth Sun
#2 Obtains its energy from eating animals only carnivore
#3 obtains its energy from eating plants only herbivore
#4 obtains its energy from eating both plants and animals omnivore
#5 obtains its energy from eating dead organisms scavenger
Effect on rabbit population
#1 increase in resources increase
#2 increase in predators decrease
#3 increase in disease decrease
#4 decrease in resources decrease
#5 decrease in habitat decrease
Yet more energy flow
#1 What happens to energy as it travels through a food chain? it decreases
#2 Most of the energy in an organism is used for ____ _____. daily activities
#3 An organism that cannot make its own food is called a consumer/heterotroph
#4 An organism that makes its own food is called a producer/autotroph
#5 Bacteria break down dead organisms and return the nutrients to the earth. These are called decomposers
Living Together
#1 Helps one, harms one parasitism
#2 helps both organisms mutualism
#3 helps neither organism -both could lose competition
#4 helps one, one unaffected commensalism
#5 Two organisms living closely together, benefits at least one symbiosis
Symbiosis examples
#1 tapeworm in a cat - tapeworm gets nutrients, cat loses nutrients parasitism
#2 cattle egret birds following cows - egrets get to eat insects stirred up by walking cattle commensalism
#3 squirrel nest in a tree - squirrel builds nest in tree, tree not affected commensalism
#4 hummingbird and a flower - hummingbird gets nectar to eat, flower gets pollenated mutualism
#5 barnacles attach to a whale - barnacles get a place to live, whale unaffected commensalism
Final Question
In malaria, the disease-causing protist lives inside a female mosquito as a carrier, but does not hurt her. The mosquito bites a human or animal, and the protozoan goes into and infects the person. It makes the person very sick. What types of symbiosis are happening? Name and explain each type. Commensalism - mosquito and protozoan; Parasitism - human and protozoan