
Fundamentals of Communication Answer Key

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The Communication Model
#1 Communication about communication Metacommunication
#2 What is the difference between interpersonal and itrapersonal communication? Interpersonal = Between two people; Intrapersonal = In your head
#3 How many people are required for a small group communication? 3 or more
#4 What are the three components of mass media? Entertainment, persuasion, information
#5 Define communication transaction. Communication when two things simultaneously affect one another, both acting and reacting at the same time.
Self-Concept & Self-Esteem
#1 Name two factors that form your self-concept. Answers will vary.
#2 Name one characteristic of a person with a positive self-concept. Sets goals, Persistent, Acknowledges accomplishments, Asks questions
#3 Your self-concept changes quickly or slowly? Slowly
#4 Your evaluation of your ability and worth Self-esteem
#5 Can you have low self-esteem and a positive self-concept? Provide an example. Yes. Remember self-esteem changes moment to moment.
#1 Provides us each with a unique view of the world Our perceptions
#2 Why is making a good first impression important? First impressions are lasting and affect perception and communication efforts.
#3 What is the difference between a stereotype and a prejudice? Prejudice = negative
#4 This stage involves deciding what to think, say, or do as a result of what we have perceived Responding stage
#5 Our tendency to remember those things that reinforce our way of thinking and forget those that oppose our way of thinking Selective retention
Johari Window
#1 The four panes of the Johari Window are? Open, Blind, Unknown, Hidden
#2 Name, age, food preferences, gender can all be found in what area? Open area
#3 The blind area consists of... Information about you that others, but not you, are aware of
#4 Style A is dominated by... The unknown area
#5 Term to describe information moving from the hidden area to the open area Self-Disclosure
Types of Messages

How many different types of messages are there?



A teacher giving a lecture

Informational message

#3 Messages involving emotions Affective messages
#4 Speculate or theorize Imaginative messages
#5 Ritualistic messages manage... Social order
Final Question
Draw and label the communications model! Interference, Channel, Context, Message, Encoder, Decoder,