
Unit 1 Review Answer Key

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Scientific Method
#1 What is the first step of the scientific method? Ask a question
#2 What should you do after you form a conclusion to increase the validity of the experiment? Re-test, repeat the experiment several times
#3 Which variable is measured and observed? Dependent Variable
#4 How does the CONTROL GROUP setup in an experiment differ from the other setups in the same experiment? It does not receive the experimental treatment (Independent Variable).
#5 What is an independent variable? The variable being tested.
#1 DNA and RNA are examples of which macromolecule? Nucleic Acid
#2 What are the 4 macromolecules? Lipids, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids
#3 In what class of organic molecules would hemoglobin, insulin, and enzymes (pepsin), all of which are composed of chains of amino acids, be placed into? Proteins
#4 Which two organic compounds are the primary source of energy for cellular functions? Lipids and Carbohyrates
#5 What are the end products of the hydrolysis (breakdown) of a polysaccaride? Simple sugars
#1 What property of water is represented by water molecules sticking together? Cohesion
#2 What allows lightweight insects to walk on water? Surface tension, due to a thin layer of water molecules bound through hydrogen bonds at the surface.
#3 What is adhesion? The attraction between molecules of different substances. (Ex. water on a window)
#4 Which two properties of water allow water to be transported up to the top of a redwood tree? Cohesion and Adhesion
#5 Which property of water allows it to dissolve a wide variety of substances throughout the human body? Polarity
#1 Which pH value indicates the most acidic condition? a.) 12.5 b.) 2.1 c.) 7.3 d.) 1.6 d.) 1.6
#2 What is the pH of a neutral solution? 7
#3 Why is carbon so important to living things? Carbon is able to bond to many other atoms to form large complex molecules such as; the 4 organic compounds.
#4 Which substance is iodine solution used to test for? Starch
#5 What are biological catalysts or enzymes made up of? Amino Acids
Lab Safety
#1 In order to protect your eyes you should wear these during labs? Goggles
#2 What should you do if you notice the beaker or test tube you are using during a lab is cracked? Stop using and report it to the teacher immediately.
Final Question
An organic chemist is studying a sample of a macromolecule. The compound has carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in its structure. When placed in a calorimeter, the molecule appears to have a high energy storage capacity. The chemist also notes that the compound does not mix with water. What is the scientist studying? What is the other function of this compound? Lipids, components of cellular membranes