
Game Answer Key

Play This Game

Where is This Place?

What is the IC and where is it located?

The IC (Information Center) is the library and it is located on the first floor, center of the building. 


What does SRO stand for and where is located?

Student Resource Office, located on the first floor, all the way down at the end of the hallway from Mrs. Stanton's Room.


If I'm checking in/coming in to the school late, where do I go and what do I do? What is this office called?

Enter the doors, go to the left, and sign in. This is Attendance Office. 


There are three places I can go during lunch. What are they and where are they? 

Cafeteria (left wing of school), Commons (main area when I walk in the front doors), Courtyard (on nice days, left wing between offices and cafeteria). 




Where can I go for study hall? Where can I go to talk to the principal? Where can I go to talk to a school counselor?

Study Hall = Cafeteria. Principal = Main Office, in the back left corner. Counselor = Main Office, walk in and to the left.  

All About My Planner

What is the first and most important thing I need to have in my planner?

Name on page 1, information filled out on pages 1 & 4.


Where should I bring my planner? What else can my planner be used for? (Hint: 2 things!)

Everywhere! It will be a hall pass and computer pass as well.


What do I do if I want to drop a class? 

List three conditions that have to be met

I can drop a class up to 30th day if

- I have 5 credits

- I have a request form signed by parent, counselor, administrator

- teacher is notified



If I am passing, I will get a 'WD' grade.

If I am failling, I will get 'FW' which will affect my grade.

If I drop after the 30th day, I will fail and it will affect my grade. 


What and when is QUICK Time?



QUICK Time: before school, 8:25-8:52 MWThF & 8:55-9:16 Tue.


In QUICK Time I can get extra help, work on assignments, make up tests, finish experiments, study, etc. 


It IS required for freshman during first semester. 



Other Support Services at MCHS:

- Counseling Center

- StAR Program

- Student Assistance Team

- Student Support Groups

- Referral

- Testing

- Placement

(See handout for more information)


What can I do at the Counseling Center? What services to they provide? (List 3)

Talk about personal-social concerns, confidential information, individual/group situations, express feelings.


- Referral to specialists

- Conferences

- Ed/Career Planning

- Testing

- Placement 


Student Support Groups:

- Teen Pregnancy Support

- Personal Growth Support

- New Student Group

- Personal Loss Group

- Minority Support Group

(and more)

Attendance and Tardiness Policies

What do I need to have if I'm going to be absent for class?

Parent/guardian must call the school attendance office and report the absence before. 


List 3 examples of an excused absence:

Personal illness, accident, death of immediate family/household/friend, medical appointments, family vacations approved by building principal, recognized religious observances, other principal-approved situations. 


*need parent phone calls as well


Are students allowed to miss class for school-sponsored events? What should I do if I'm going to miss? 

Yes, I can miss for a school-sponsored event. I will have to contact my teacher at least one day before classes and I must turn in homework before, or as soon as I return.  


What happens when I receive an unexcused absence? Three excused absences? Six?

1: I will have an hour detention. 


3: I will have an attendance letter signed by myself (student) and the administrator and I might be removed from a class that does not meet every day. (example: chorus, band, p.e.)


6: I will be removed with an 'F' or 'WD' as a grade. I might also be sent to the principal or be assigned study hall and lose campus privileges


What happens if I receive an unexcused tardy? If I don't follow through with the consequences after a tardy?

I will get a 30 minute detention for each tardy.


If I don't serve this, I will be referred to an administrator and have a 1 hour detention. 

Leaving Class, Electronics, & Illness Policies

If I'm not feeling well, can I leave class? 

Yes, with a pass to go to the nurse's office. 


Can I bring medication to school? If so, where can I put it?

Yes, with a doctor's note that is kept in the nurse's office only. 


When can I use my electronic devices? Do I need headphones?

I can use them until 8:25AM with headphones.

I can use them after school.

I can use them if a teacher allows. 


*applies to music players, mp3 players, and iPods etc.


When and where can I use my cell phone? Can I take videos/pictures?

What happens if I don't follow directions?

I can use my cellphone in the halls, between classes, and public areas but NOT bathrooms or classrooms.


I can NOT take pictures or videos. 


1st Offense: taken, pick up after school

2nd: taken, guardian pick up after school and detention

3rd: taken, guardian pick up after school, 1/2 day of ISS (in school suspension)

4th: taken, OSS until parent meeting, loss of privileges for semester


If I refuse to give my cellphone to the teacher, I will be suspended for the day. 


If I am disrupting a class, what happens on my 1st Offense, 2nd, and 3rd?

1st: Teacher/Parent contact, green slip

2nd: Teacher and Administraor contact parent, office gives detention and green slip

3rd: Student is removed from class and parent contact is made

All About Me

When do I have lunch? Can I go to my locker during lunch?

During 4th period. Nope! I can only go to the Commons, Cafeteria, and Courtyard (if it's nice out)


I can go to my locker in passing periods or before/after school.


Can my locker be searched? Why or why not?

Yes. "A student's locker can be searched whenever an administrator or teacher has a reasonable and articulable suspicion that a criminal offense or district policy, rule or regulation...has been violated..." 



*reasonable cause

*anything that is inappropriate, drug-related or threatens school safety


List four of the dress code rules:

- lower back/midriff should not be exposed

- spaghetti straps must cover back & up to armpits

- pants must cover waist (no undies!)

- skirt/shorts must be 6 inches from top of knee

- coats/jackets must be kept in lockers

- no alcohol, drugs, tobacco, racist/sexist/sexual/language references on clothing

- no hats, bandanas, or head coverings (unless for religious reasons)

- parent must bring appropriate clothing to school which can result in an unexcused absense 


What are the three reasons I could leave campus?

1. Parent/guardian telephone call

2. Written nurse's pass


or 3. If I'm a senior with off-campus privledges 


What is the Silver Cord Program? 

A program that encourages volunteerism and community service. 40 hours per year is recognized by a certificate and assembly. By senior year, if I complete 160 hours with at least 4 different activities, I will be awarded a silver cord. 


(see handout for ideas of silver cord activities, etc)

Final Question

What were Miss Donnelly's 2 truths and a lie?

I have a pet mouse (truth!)

I used to play hockey (truth!)

I am allergic to raspberries (lie!)