
Ch. 1 Classification Review Answer Key

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#1 The part of the Earth that can support life The Biosphere
#2 Characteristics that organisms develop over time to survive Adaptations
#3 Definition of a species Group whose members can produce offspring
#4 Scientific classification is based on these 3 things How an organism gets its food, how it reproduces and cell structure
#5 Give an example of an adaptation polar near with thick fur and sharp teeth
Plant Kingdom
#1 Plant type with tubes that carry water and nutrients Vascular plants
#2 Plant type that slowly pass water and nutrients from cell to cell Nonvascular plants
#3 Describe characteristics of a plant you would find in a desert thick skin, pointy leaves
#4 True or False all vascular plants produce seeds false
#5 True or False angiosperms are seed plants that produce flowers True
Animal Kingdom
#1 How animals get their energy eating another organism
#2 Name for an animal with a backbone and an example vertebrate, human
#3 Name for an animal without a backbone and an example invertebrate, squid
#4 True or False Most animal species on Earth are invertebrates True
#5 What is the difference and similarity between an invertebrate and vertebrate both animals, different vertebrates have backbone, invertebrates dont
Bacteria Kingdom
#1 Name of the bacteria kingdom where bacteria live in extreme conditions Archaebacteria
#2 Name of bacteria that lives everywhere including your body Eubacteria
#3 Part of the cell that is missing in a bacteria nucleus
Fungi and Protist Kingdom
#1 Organism found in moist, dark places. breaks organisms down for energy fungi
#2 What conditions do fungi grow in moist, dark places
#5 Reasons why scientists believe protist kingdom should be broken down into smaller kingdoms many different types. some eat organisms, some produce own food, some break down other organisms
Final Question