
Great Gatsby Final Test Review Answer Key

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#1 "Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!" Jay Gatsby
#2 "You can't live forever." Myrtle Wilson
#3 "I have a way of finding out." George Wilson
#4 "Finest specimens of human molars." Meyer Wolfsheim
#5 "The Goddamn coward. He didn't even stop his car." Tom Buchanan
#1 "What kind of row are you trying to cause in my house anyhow?" Tom Buchanan
#2 "You don't understand, you're not going to take care of her any more. Daisy's leaving you." Jay Gatsby
#3 "I'm thirty. I'm five years too old to lie to myself and call it honor." Nick Carraway
#4 "I hate careless people." Jordan Baker
#5 "Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it? I always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it." Daisy Buchanan
#1 The narrator of "The Great Gatsby" Nick Carraway
#2 Tom's lover Myrtle Wilson
#3 Shallow golf player who dates Nick off and on Jordan Baker
#4 Notorious figure involved in organized crime Meyer Wolfsheim
#5 The man who changed Gatsby's life forever; inspiring him that he could become rich and powerful someday Dan Cody
#1 Character responsible for Myrtle's death Daisy Buchanan
#2 Character responsible for Gatsby's death George Wilson
#3 Gatsby allows Daisy to drive his car because... Daisy wants to calm her nerves after a tense situation
#4 George knows that Myrtle is having an affair after finding a... Dog collar
#5 Character who attends Gatsby's funeral; character who was drunk in Gatsby's library during a party Owl-Eyes
#1 Tom breaks Myrtle's nose because... she says Daisy's name
#2 Gatsby finally stops throwing parties at his mansion because... He's been reunited with Daisy - that was the whole reason he threw the parties in the first place
#3 Gatsby doesn't leave West Egg after the accident because... He wants to protect Daisy and see what she will decide
#4 Who is the character that says, "You're worth the whole damn bunch put together"? Nick Carraway
#5 What does Gatsby show Daisy that makes her cry? Gatsby's shirts imported from England
Final Question
What is the name of the police officer conducting the investigation of Myrtle's death? Michaelis