
Foundations of Government Answer Key

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Political Ideas
#1 What is the purpose of a Constitution? To set out the processes, structure and principles of a government.
#2 In a democracy where does supreme authority reside? With the people.
#3 What is a confederation? An alliance of independent states
#4 What is a "state of nature"? Where there is no government to protect people.
#5 What is limited government? The idea that government must operate withing certain bounds set by the people.
Types of Governments
#1 In which types of government does one person rule? Dictatorship or Monarchy
#2 Describe a federal system. A system of government that shares power between a central government and individual states.
#3 Who does a representative government serve? The people
#4 Which type of government has a single center of power? A unitary system.
#5 What feature do all dictatorships share? They are all authoritarian.
The Constitution and Articles of Confederation
#1 How many states had to ratify the Constitution before it went into effect? 9
#2 Which group was in favor of ratification of the new Constitution? The Federalists

Which "plan" called for a government with three separate branches?

The Virginia Plan

#4 This "compromise" called for two houses of Congress, the larger based on population and the smaller with equal state representation. The Connecticut Compromise
#5 What document created the first plan of government for the U.S. following the War of Independence? The Articles of Confederation
The United States
#1 What type of economy does the United States have? Free enterprise or capitalism
#2 This "plan" called for a Congress with equal representation from each state. The New Jersey Plan
#3 How many states voted in favor of ratifying the Constitution? All 13
#4 It put a tax on all paper products, including legal documents and newspapers. The Stamp Act

In the American concept of democracy what must accompany majority rule?

Minority rights

Government General
#1 The greatest basketball team of all time. The San Antonio Spurs
#2 Who are Texas' two senators? Ted Cruz and John Cornyn
#3 During the American Revolution a common feature of each of the State constitutions was popular sovereignty. Describe popular sovereignty. Government is created by and subject to the will of the people.
#4 Which document limited the power of the king? The Magna Carta

Besides a population of people and a defined territory, what else must a state (nation) have by definition?

A sovereign government

Final Question

What was the first national government for the United States?

The Second Continental Congress