
Honors Biology Cellular Energy Answer Key

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Cellular Respiration

Aerobic cellular respiration requires an adequate supply of

        A.  oxygen.

        B.   carbon dioxide.

        C.  ethyl alcohol.

        D.  starch.

A. Oxygen


The molecule on which the enzyme acts is called the

        A.  catalyst.

        B.   pigment.

        C.  substrate.

        D.  photon.

C. Substrate


One molecule of glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate as a result of the

        A.  process of glycolysis.

        B.   light reactions of photosynthesis.

        C.  digestion of a protein.

        D.  diffusion of water across a membrane.

A. process of glycolysis


What is the net gain in ATP following completion of aerobic cellular respiration of one molecule

        of glucose in a brain cell?

        A.  30

        B.   2

        C.  36-38

        D.  4

C. 36-38


The first stage of cellular respiration is called

        A.  oxidative respiration.

        B.   the Krebs cycle.

        C.  the Calvin cycle.

        D.  glycolysis

D. Glycolysis

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Virginia Tech


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THE Ohio State University


                        The Tree



Which of the following is an example of a pigment?

        A.  NADPH

        B.   chlorophyll

        C.  pyruvate

        D.  sucrase

B. Chlorophyll


The gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) pass through this structure

        A.  A.

        B.   B.

        C.  C.

        D.  E.

D. E


Two reactants that are used in the process of photosynthesis are

        A.  carbon dioxide and oxygen.

        B.   glucose and water.

        C.  water and carbon dioxide.

        D.  oxygen and water.

C. water and carbon dioxide


Tiny packets of light energy are called

        A.  enzymes.

        B.   photons.

        C.  catalysts.

        D.  substrates.

B. Photons


A substance produced during the process of photosynthesis that is used in cellular respiration (when broken down, it provides energy in the form of ATP).

        A.  O2.

        B.   H2O.

        C.  C6H12O6.

        D.  NADPH.

C.  C6H12O6.


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The nucleus of a cell has 46 chromosomes before mitosis.  After mitosis, each new cell nucleus

        A.    will have 46 chromosomes.

        B.    will have 23 chromosomes.

        C.    will have 92 chromosomes.

        D.   will have an unknown number of chromosomes.

A. will have 46 chromosomes


The separation of daughter chromosomes and division of a cell nucleus to form two nuclei, each with a full set of chromosomes, is called

        A.    cell division.

        B.    specialization.

        C.    mitosis.

        D.   cytokinesis.

C. mitosis


Some but not other materials are admitted through a cell membrane.  The membrane is called

        A.    impermeable.

        B.    semi-permeable.

        C.    permeable.              

        D.   fully permeable.

B. semi-permeable


The sum of all of the chemical reactions occurring in a cell is called

        A.  photosynthesis.

        B.   diffusion.

        C.  metabolism.

        D.  oxidative respiration.

C. Metabolism


Which is the correct sequence for the stages of mitotic cell division represented by the diagram below? (letters only; ABCD)

A - C - D - B

Final Question

What is the formula for photosynthesis? All coefficients need to be correct.