
adjective and adverb Answer Key

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#1 The alarm clock rang loudly. alarm
#2 We will begin our summer vacation tomorrow. summer
#3 The wild wolves howled sadly at the moon. wild
#4 The rapids along this river are very dangerous dangerous
#5 I quickly put on comfortable shoes. comfortable
#1 The alarm clock rang loudly.* loudly
#2 We will begin our summer vacation tomorrow.* tomorrow
#3 The wild wolves howled sadly at the moon. sadly
#4 I quickly put on comfortable shoes. quickly
#5 The rapids along this river are very dangerous very
#1 We slowly climbed the rocky path. rocky
#2 The strong wind scattered clouds across the sky. strong
#3 The truck drove carefully down the icy road. icy
#4 The child ate an enormous meal. enormous
#5 Yesterday my favorite aunt fed the birds in the park. favorite
#1 We slowly climbed the rocky path. slowly
#2 The truck drove carefully down the icy road. carefully
#3 The child happily played ball. happily
#4 Yesterday my favorite aunt fed the birds in the park. yesterday
#5 The wild squirrels gracefully jumped from branch to branch. gracefully
#1 The wild squirrels gracefully jumped from branch to branch. jumped
#2 Yesterday my favorite aunt fed the birds in the park. fed
#3 The child happily played ball. played
#4 The truck drove carefully down the icy road. drove
#5 We slowly climbed the rocky path. climbed
Final Question