
Multiplicative Comparisons Answer Key

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#1 It costs $200 to take a bus tour of Asheville. This is four times the amount it costs to take a bus tour of Raleigh. How much is the bus tour of Raleigh? $50
#2 There are 72 students outside on the playground. This is eight times as many students in the cafeteria. How many students are in the cafeteria? 9
#3 The fourth grade has 102. It has three times as many students as Mrs. Pride's class. How many students are in Mrs. Prides' class? 34
#4 Stacy and Vicky both collect stickers. Vicky has seven times as many stickers as stacy. If Vicky has 63 stickers how many stickers does Stacy have? 9
#5 Bobby owns a small printing company. Last year he used 4,350 sheet of paper. If Bobby uses 10 times as much paper as he did last year, how much paper will Bobby use this year? 43,500
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#1 Najee checked out 10 books from the library. Tariq checked out 3 times as many ?books as Najee. How many books did Tariq check out from the library? 30
#2 Celine checked out 40 books from the library. She checked out 4 times as many as ?many books as Brooke. How many books did Brooke check out from the library? 10
#3 Jamarcus checked out 15 books from the library. Melissa checked out 5 books from ?the library. How many times as many books did Jamarcus check out from the library ?compared to Melissa? 3
#4 Natalie made 36 muffins. Samuel made 12 muffins How many times as many did Natalie make than Samuel 3
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