
Exploring the Americas Answer Key

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People who went places
#1 Created a school of navigation Herny the Navigator
#2 Which Spaniard landed on the east coast of Present-day Mexico? Hernan Cortes
#3 1st to sail around the world Ferinand Magellan
#4 explored the southernmost part of Africa Bartholomeu Dias
#5 completed the sea route to Asia Vasco de Gama
People who did stuff
#1 Which explorer discovered the long-awaited eastern sea route to Asia? Vasco da Gama
#2 Who was Marco Polo explorer and Author
#3 Who founded Quebec? Cabot
#4 Who believed that faith rather than good deeds was the way to salvation? Martin Luther
#5 Who publicly condemned the cruel treatment of Native Americans by the Spanish? Barolome de Las Casas
Bad Stuff that Happened
#1 conqured the AztecEmpire Hernan Cortes
#2 destroyed the Inca in Present -day Peru Franciso Pizarro
#3 Who was Athualpa? Aztec Emperor
#4 Who was Montezuma? Aztec Emperor
#5 The right granted by the Spanish government to the Conquistadors that turned native Americans into slaves? encomienda
#1 What did the French want to establish in the Americas? fishing and fur trade
#2 What Portuguese prince laid the groundwork for a new era of Exploration? Henry the Navigator
#3 Who's Crew was the first to sail around the world? Magellan's crew
#4 What was the name of Mali's greatest King Mansa Musa
#5 What was Hudson's Ships name? Half Moon
Other Information you should know
#1 What is a plantation a large farm
#2 What is a saga long detailed story
#3 What is a strait a narrow stip of water connecting 2 lager bodies of water
#4 What is the name of Columbus's Ships Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
#5 Where did Marco Polo travel? Asia
Final Question
How did the need for new trade routes lead to the discovery of the Americas? List 3 things quicker and easier route. desire to seek riches and luxuary goods. travel west new route to asia.