
Music Review Game Answer Key

Play This Game

Give it a Rest

What is the name of this rest?  



What is the name of this rest?





What is the name of this rest?


What kind of rest gets 4 beats?

A whole rest.


Add these up, how many beats do you rest?


= _____________


Creating Music

What does it mean to make up music on the spot?



What is the term for the length of a beat?



What is the distance from one note to another called?



What do we call two pitches that are the same - 8 notes apart?



Fill in the blanks...


Do, ___, Mi, FA,_____, ______Ti, _____

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do

Performing Music

What is the correct Posture for singing in a choir?

Standing up tall, hands to your side, looking at the conductor. 


When should you take a breath when you are singing? 

At a rest or in between phrases of the song. 


How do you evaluate a performance?  Give three examples.

1. Songs are on the right pitches, matching the temp of the background music. 

2. Performers have correct posture and make eye contact with the audience. 

3. Performers follow the cues of the conductor and make their marks on time. 


Name the notes on the treble clef lines.

E - Every 

G - Good

B - Boy

D- Does

F - Fine


Name the notes on the spaces of the Treble Clef.

How many beats?

Name this note:




How many beats does it last for?

4 beats


What is the name of this note?


How many beats does it last for?

     1 beat


What is the name of this note?


How many beats does it last for?

 1 beat (3 sounds) 


What is the name of this note?

How many beats does it last for?

 1 beat (2 sounds)


What is the name of this note?



How many beats does it last for?


16th note - 1 beat

(4 sounds)

How is my form?

Which one of these patterns is Rondo form?








What is a refrain or chorus?

The repeating phrase of a song that is catchy. 


What is the definition of a verse?

The sections of the song that have the same melody, but different lyrics. 


What is a bridge in a song?

bridge is a contrasting section of music that leads to the repeat of a chorus or verse. 


Fill in the blanks:


 Explain how to use 1st and 2nd endings of a song. 

To play a song with two endings, you start at the beginning and play through the 1st

ending.  At the repeat sign, you go back and play from the beginning.  Then skip the 1st ending and go straight to the 2nd ending to finish the song. 

Final Question

Complete this sentence:


To play a song with a Coda, you start at the beginning and play until you see _________.  Then go back to the __________ and play until it says__________.  Skip ahead to the__________ sign and play to the end. 




To play a song with a Coda, you start at the beginning and play until you see "D. S. al Coda".  Then go back to the  and play until it says Coda.  Skip ahead to the Codasign and play to the end. 



* note:

D.S. al coda, or dal segno al coda, literally means “from the sign to the coda mark.” D.S. al coda is an indication to start back at the segno, play until you encounter a coda, then skip to the next coda to continue.