
Air And Aerodynamics Quiz Answer Key

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3 adapations on a bird

Tail used for steering, Hollow bones, powerful chestmucles


What does exerts mean?

gives off


What are 5 other words for compressed?

squished, contracted,squashed, Pressed,Squeezed


What are 3 properties of air

1 Air takes up space

2 Air exerts pressure

3 Air hcan be compressed


What are the 4 forces of flight?

gravity thrust drag lift


What is Bernoulli's principle?

fast moving air creates low air pressure


What happens if lift is greater than mass?

the plane ascends


What happens if thrust becomes greater than drag?

the plane goes forward


What happens lift, thrust, drag and mass are equal?

the plane goes at a steady flight


What happens if thrust becomes less than drag?

the plane slows down


What happens if lift becomes less than mass?

The plane descends


Describe how a bird gets thrust?

When a bird flaps it's wings it actually pushes the air backwards away from it's path


Describe the shape of a aircrafts wing

airfoil - curved on the top and flat on the bottom


Is there more or less air pressure under the aircraft's wing



What happens when air is heated?

It expands


What are 2 ways that aircraft propel themselves?




What are two processes that use up oxygen?

Rusting and Burning


Airplanes and sports cars are streamlined to reduce



What happens to wind as it passes in between large buildings and skyscrapers?


It speeds up.


An ostrich can not fly because the force of ______ is greater than the force of ______ that can be generated by their _____.

gravity / lift / wings


What gas makes up the largest component of air?



What is created when air is removed?




You and your friend are having a race to see who’s paper will fall to the ground the fastest. You crumple up your paper into a ball and your friend leaves their paper as is. Why does your balled up piece of paper reach the ground first?

It has less drag.


As you drink from a juice box through a straw, the juice moves up the straw because the air pressure is

lowered inside the straw


Place a piece of cardboard on top of a full glass of water. Holding the glass and the cardboard quickly flip the glass upside-down and slowly let go of the cardboard (none of the water escapes). 


Which property of air does this experiment show?

Air exerts pressure.

Final Question

If you were to blow air through a straw between two cans, what would happen? Why?

The can's would move together.


Bernoulli's Principle states that the fast air between the cans create low pressure. The higher pressure air around the cans pushes the cans together.