
Pronoun Jeopardy Answer Key

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Subject and Object Pronouns
#1 Choose the correct object pronoun: You heard the joke from (me/I) last week. Me
#2 Choose the correct object pronoun: Mrs. Wilson congratulated (we/us) on our fine performance. us
#3 Look for the error in this sentence. If there is no error, say no error: Chris and me play basketball after school. Chris and me -> Chris and I
#4 Look for the error in this sentence. If there is no error, say no error: Two of the best players are Robin and she. No error
#5 Choose the correct pronoun and state if it is a subject or object pronoun: Jen told (we/us) a true story about a dolphin. us, object pronoun
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
#1 State whether the pronoun in the parentheses is a reflexive or intensive pronoun: Give (yourself) a break once in a while. reflexive
#2 State whether the pronoun in the parentheses is a reflexive or intensive pronoun: The principal (herself) showed us around the building. intensive
#3 State whether the pronoun in the parentheses is a reflexive or intensive pronoun: I could see (myself) as a brain surgeon someday. reflexive
#4 State whether the pronoun in the parentheses is a reflexive or intensive pronoun: The stars of the movie accepted the award (themselves). reflexive
#5 Find the reflexive of intensive pronoun in the sentence and identify which type it is. Now Emmy herself admits that her best friends are her soccer teammates. herself, intensive
Interrogative and Demonstrative Pronouns
#1 Choose the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: (This/These) is my favorite picture of you. This
#2 Choose the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: (Whom/Who) sings the lead on that song? Who
#3 Choose the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence: By (whom/who) was that film directed? whom
#4 Choose the correct pronoun and state if it is a interrogative or demonstrative pronoun: (That/That there) is easy; either Marsh Hanks or my dog Bandit. That, Demonstrative
#5 Choose the correct pronoun and state if it is a interrogative or demonstrative pronoun: (Which, What) is it? Which, Interrogative
Indefinite Pronouns
#1 Choose the correct pronoun: Many of the members would follow (their/his or her) leader anywhere. their
#2 Choose the correct pronoun: Anyone knows (they/he or she) can count on Mrs. Leibert for help. he or she
#3 Choose the correct pronoun: All of the scientists want more funding for (their/his or her) research. their
#4 What is the indefinite pronoun in this sentence? Also choose the correct pronoun that agrees with the indefinite pronoun: No one could send (his/their) family a message. Indefinite: No one Pronoun: his
#5 What is the indefinite pronoun in this sentence? Also choose the correct pronoun that agrees with the indefinite pronoun: In 1915, all of the men became trapped with (his/their) ship in the Antarctic ice. Indefinite: All Pronoun: their
#1 State the pronoun and its antecedent in this sentence: Then the girls are scared as their lives turn upside down. Pronoun: their Antecedent: girls
#2 Choose the correct possessive pronoun or contraction for this sentence: (Its/It's) now possible for schools throughout the world to be linked on the internet. It's
#3 What is/are the personal pronoun(s) in this sentence: Its caption says, "He ain't heavy, Father, .. he's m' brother." Its, He, He's, m' (my)
#4 Choose the correct pronoun: Today, the teachers told (we/us) students about the science fair. us
#5 Choose the correct pronoun: Homeless people, like everyone else, want someplace to call (their/his or her) own. their
Final Question
What is the difference between a reflexive and an intensive pronoun? Reflexive doesn't make sense when you take it out whereas an intensive pronoun does make sense